Donald Trump and his fateful 2020 weeks: loser of the year


Can you go lower? It can, because it’s about Donald Trump. There is still room for it to fall. But on October 4, the president of the United States is undoubtedly at a low point.

It’s Sunday and the TV stations are there live as the column of presidents slowly exits the driveway of Walter Reed Military Hospital in a Washington suburb. Heavy black SUVs pass Trump fans who have been camping here for days at crosswalks.

And there he is, the ailing president in a mask behind thick tinted armored glass, waving from his rolling safe. It is a spectacle of terrifying irresponsibility. For a few minutes of cheering, Trump risks the health of his bodyguards.

Secret Service agents are tasked with protecting the head of state from attacks, terrorists, or mentally confused killers. Now it is the president himself who endangers life and physical integrity.

A few days ago, Trump tested positive for Corona, with a fever and cough, he was flown from the White House to the hospital in a helicopter. Now he’s forcing his bodyguards to sit in the car with him, although he’s probably still contagious.
