Johanna Mikl-Leitner’s national holiday message: “Don’t lose confidence”


Basically, the governor regrets that Corona does not allow celebrating on November 15 this year: “We are celebrating our national holiday at a time when we really shouldn’t celebrate. It is not easy for us because in Lower Austria we are people who know how to celebrate ”. Personal postscript: “And personally it is not easy for me to do without because I like people and because I value personal encounters more.” Despite the Crown’s restrictions, she insists that state patron day is still celebrated, explains Mikl-Leitner in his speech with the state conscience and self-confidence of Lower Austria. Mikl-Leitner: “This pronounced national consciousness came to us from nowhere. We, as a country, have developed this greater awareness of the country over the years and decades. ”

As examples, he cites independence in cultural policy, innovations in business and science, and pioneering role in protecting the environment and climate. as well as the new paths in the health sector with the state health agency. This self-confidence enables Lower Austria to act independently even in times of the Crown crisis. For example with its own economic stimulus program, with initiatives in the labor market or with support for families, says Mikl-Leitner.
