“At 19 o’clock?” Sold stupid | DiePresse.com


Stores will close at 7pm starting today. Supposedly, so no one has to worry about exit rules anymore. This is legally wrong and counterproductive in the fight against the virus.

Be careful if you still want to shop after work today! Following an amendment to the ordinance, the store will close its doors at 7 pm with immediate effect. The Ministry of Health justifies it in view of its exit restrictions that apply from 8 pm onwards: “This gives customers and employees enough time to get to their private room on time,” he said in a transmission.

Perhaps, in addition to giving its text a loving genre, the ministry should have also spent time reading its own ordinance. The shorter opening times cannot be justified with the current exit restrictions. Shopping is a “basic necessity necessary in daily life”, as the regulation so beautifully says. As such, going to and from business was always legal anyway. And those who go home from their jobs have always been exempt from the rules.

Legal half-truths

But with legal half-truths (“there are only three reasons …”) the people were well governed in the spring. And at that point, the Covid numbers were demonstrably reduced as well. However, it can be doubted that the current action makes sense in this regard. Even if the Chamber of Commerce says in a broadcast that early closing time helps reduce the number of infections.

But the shorter the opening hours, the more people line up at the same time and throw their spray (“box, second box”) into the air. This increases the risk of infection.

The union federation is pleased that employees and customers are now able to “go home without haste”. Rush is more likely now – when people have to rush home from work to get to the supermarket on time.

Oh yeah: restricting business hours to 7pm could also be constitutionally problematic. But that has rarely been an argument against the regulations in recent months. In this sense: Happy shopping until 7 at night and don’t be fooled!
