Hacker: possibility of a “reliable self-test”
“The digital symptom checker does not replace a doctor or a corona test, but it helps with the initial assessment of whether further clarification is necessary,” said APA Health Councilor Peter Hacker (SPÖ): “The new service it should give the Viennese the opportunity for an immediate and, above all, trustworthy first self-test. “
The online tool is being implemented with Symptoma GmbH. The system continually adapts to the epidemiological situation. If there are new scientific findings, for example, the questionnaire can be adapted accordingly or the risk assessment can be modified accordingly.
In the office of the Department of Health it was noted that 1450, despite the symptom checker, continues to be the central point of contact when clarifying a possible suspected case of corona. In Vienna, a total of 459 employees currently work 24-hour shifts, spread over three locations. In an average of seven days, 7,735 calls were received daily to the health advice phone.