It emerged on Monday that a close employee of Chancellor Kurz had tested positive for the corona virus. In short, Kogler and all other environmental employees are now being tested.
An employee of the inner circle of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) tested positive for SARS-CoV2, the APA learned from the Foreign Ministry. The Chancellor will now be tried as Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) and all other employees in the short confidante’s environment. Until the result was available, Kurz and Kogler canceled all appointments.
Kurz and Kogler will be tested on Monday
Immediately after the positive test result was known, the information chain began, the Foreign Ministry said. As a precautionary measure, all colleagues around the employee would be screened on Monday. Kurz and Kogler were last in contact with the employee on Wednesday and will also be evaluated on Monday. The person in question had a negative test result Tuesday night.
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