Nuclear waste dump: 90 geologically suitable areas


9According to the findings of the Federal Association for Final Storage, 0 areas in Germany have favorable geological conditions for a deposit of nuclear waste. The Gorleben salt dome in Lower Saxony is not included, as the interim report released Monday by the Federal Agency for Final Storage (BGE) shows. Not on the list for instability. “Therefore, the Gorleben salt dome will not be considered in the BGE’s subsequent work on the location region proposals.”

Bavaria, on the other hand, is the subject of discussion, where granite rock is generally cited as suitable for an underground nuclear waste storage facility. The BGE has listed around 90 possible locations in clay, salt, and crystalline rock formations like granite based solely on geological conditions.

Other criteria, such as settlement or development, did not influence this first step. In later phases, the selection will be further restricted in the coming years, so a decision should be made on a location by 2031. The repository should be operational in 2050.

First, the report lists all regions of Germany, “which are expected to have favorable geological conditions for the safe final storage of radioactive waste”, as required by the relevant law. That is why there are still quite a few and sometimes quite large areas.

It will only get more specific in the next few years. The so-called location regions are selected from the subareas, which are explored in more detail throughout the day. Some of them are also explored underground.
