Current recommendations from the Crown Commission wake-up call for Austria


An in-depth analysis of the regional causes of the outbreak is necessary.

Vienna (OTS / BMSGPK) The epidemiological development of the last days indicates a significant increase in the risk of infection in some regions of Austria. Based on the 7-day incidence, the proportion of sources of infection clarified in new cases, and the associated perspective of control of cluster spread, the Crown Commission has assessed the risk of infection in several regions as increased. ****

At its meeting yesterday, the Crown Commission made the recommendation to change Vienna, Innsbruck (city) and the districts of Kufstein, Dornbirn, Bludenz, Mödling and Neunkirchen to orange. In addition, it was recommended to color other districts of Austria yellow: Baden, Bruck an der Leitha, Gänserndorf, Korneuburg, Krems (city), Krems (country), Lilienfeld, Mistelbach, St. Pölten (city), Wiener Neustadt (city), Wiener Neustadt (Land), Zwettl, Freistadt, Linz (City), Linz (Land), Perg, Steyr (City), Vöcklabruck, Wels (City), Eferding, Gmunden, Grieskirchen, Kirchdorf an der Krems, Rohrbach, Steyr (Land ), Urfahr Area, Wels (country), Graz (city), Deutschlandsberg, Graz (area), Innsbruck (country), Landeck, Schwaz, Bregenz and Feldkirch.

You can find an overview of the districts at

Dr. Daniela Schmid, Spokesperson for the Crown Commission: “We recommend that local authorities continue to carry out extensive testing and contact tracing to identify sources and find clusters, and that politicians, based on this regional cluster activity, take specific and detailed measures and take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of these Define chains of transmission in individual regions The commission sees last Thursday’s recommendations confirmed and, for the moment, sees no further current need for interventions in events or operations schoolchildren “.

However, the Crown Commission recommends paying special attention to the following, especially for high-risk regions (orange):

1. Intensification of the protection of healthcare centers

2. Intensification of the protection of hospitals

3. Increase in the number of screenings in relevant areas (nursing and healthcare facilities, high-risk businesses, education, etc.)

4. Protection of the elderly in intergenerational family associations: specific communication of the target group

5. Establish preventive measures in certain places such as markets

6. Restriction of events in closed companies without a security concept

The guideline for measures serves as the working basis for the Commission and is currently being reviewed internally.

Queries and contact:

Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Attention and Consumer Protection
Andrea Zefferer, Master
Press officer
+43 1 711 00-862431
