Donald Trump holds the first mass demonstration in a hall since the end of June


Actually, the rules in the US state of Nevada are clear: gatherings with more than 50 participants are not allowed. Since May, there has been a directive designed to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. It is based on recommendations from the White House. But one person doesn’t stick to that at all: President Donald Trump.

For the first time since the end of June, Trump held an election rally in a closed room. For more than an hour, the Republican spoke with thousands of supporters at the manufacturing facility of a construction equipment manufacturer in the city of Henderson, Nevada.

In doing so, Trump openly violated state requirements and the recommendations of his own administration. Many of the Trump fans in the room were not wearing masks. Only in the rows behind Trump, who could be seen continuously on television images, did most of the viewers wear mouth and nose protection.

“Tell your governor to open his state,” Trump said, referring to Nevada’s prime minister, Democrat Steve Sisolak. Shortly before the event began, he harshly criticized Trump. The president is acting “without mercy and selfishness” and is endangering “countless lives” in Nevada, Sisolak tweeted. Trump, as usual, believes the rules don’t apply to him.

Increase in the number of infections after the Trump event in June

A spokeswoman for the city of Henderson told CNN that the event violated Nevada crown regulations. Currently, gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited in both public and private settings. The machine builder could also lose its business license to host the event.

Trump’s campaign team said the event will measure body temperature and provide masks and hand sanitizer. At Trump rallies, however, participants often do not wear masks and often do not maintain a greater physical distance.

Most recently, Trump held an election rally in front of thousands of supporters in a closed room against the advice of health experts. Local health officials in Tulsa, Oklahoma, attributed the rise in coronavirus infections in the district to this appearance in the campaign.

In the United States, with about 330 million people, about 6.5 million people have been infected with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 and about 194,000 people have died. Although the number of corona cases across the country recently fell again after a sharp spike in July, experts continue to recommend covering your mouth and nose and keeping your distance, also with a view to the upcoming flu season.

Icon: The mirror
