In exactly one month, on October 11, Vienna will vote. A look at the initial situation, the status and the campaigns of the individual parties.
Michael Ludwig has already found his own style. While Michael Häupl was still the noisy “Fiaker” type, Michael Ludwig was more of the caretaker type. Someone who takes care of everyone if necessary, but who also insists on respecting the rules of the house.
“Rules of the game” is what the mayor of Vienna calls it. In this way it also avoids the issue of migration, which is difficult for the SPÖ. He had divided the party, but brought Ludwig himself to power. As the leader of the anti-refugee reception group in the suburbs.
Now that he is mayor, Ludwig plays the connector. On the one hand, inside the camp on the SPÖ. Your city government is a symbol of this: there leftist Peter Hacker, there Peter Hanke, a business friend. But Ludwig does the same with regard to population, knowing that more than half of Viennese now have a migratory background and that Muslim voters in particular have a strong bias towards the SPÖ. Ludwig preaches the cosmopolitan and tolerant Vienna, in which everyone should be happy according to their own style, but also insists on observing, exactly, the rules of the game. Even the “unwritten” as he calls it. So Ludwig does what the federal SPÖ cannot do: he can also highlight the positive aspects of immigration and not go into the negative ones.
Otherwise, the family issues of life, work, education, health, but also the economy dominate the electoral campaign of the SPÖ. In essence, the message is: the city is taking care of all this, with new investments, especially in the crisis of the crown.