Australia After a record flu season in Australia, U.S. But hope so

It has never been more important to keep the flu at bay, as Covid-19 will erupt in addition to this fall and winter flu.

In addition to getting flu shots, Redfield urged people to wear masks, social distance, wash their hands and be smart about crowds.

A simple flu season in the Southern Hemisphere

According to the World Health Organization, the Southern Hemisphere, which usually has its flu season between April and September, has only experienced a record flu season, according to the World Health Organization.

Take Australia, for example.

In August 2019, there were 61,000 confirmed cases of influenza in laboratories in Australia.

In 20 August 2020, there were 107.

“This is virtually non-seasonal,” said Ian Barre, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Melbourne. “We’ve never seen a number like this before.”

South Africa and the South Cone of South America have had similar experiences.

“Where you would expect se tui – like in Chile, like in Argentina – we haven’t really seen any seasons this year,” said Dr. Andrea Vicari, an epidemiologist at the Penny American Health Organization. .

Covid-19 is the reason.

The flu season in the Southern Hemisphere began in the same way as the Covid-19. The precautions people took to control the new virus – staying at home, practicing social distance, wearing masks – also helped keep the flu low.

“A lot of the physical distance and the public health measures that have been put in place, that keep people away, may actually play a role in reducing the circulation of it. [coronavirus], “Said Maria Van Kerkov, the World Health Organization’s Covid-19 technical lead.

Vicari said Kovid may have also influenced people to get flu shots.

“If we compare the previous season, I think there was a bit more urgency when it came to influenza vaccination.”

He said it is possible that a significant number of people in the Southern Hemisphere are already immune to the flu virus in circulation this year.

Effects for the Northern Hemisphere

Infectious disease experts warn that a simple flu season does not mean that the U.S. Will be just as lucky.

Infectious Disease Specialist at Wonderbilt University Medical Center, Dr. “It’s very dangerous to make predictions about influenza,” said William Schaefner.

He said that despite the low incidence of the flu in the Southern Hemisphere, he was concerned about the flu and the “twin-democracy” of Covid-1, which could cost lives and strain the health care system.

A glance at the hospitalized numbers reveals the load of two viruses simultaneously.

It is estimated that for the 2019-2020 US flu season, 410,000 to 740,000 people were hospitalized for the flu.
Since March, at least 372,217 people have been hospitalized for Covid-19 in the U.S., according to the Covid Tracking Project. And a model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, Washington, from January 170 to January 1.

Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said that, in terms of resources, it is the worst prospect. “It’s really a complete storm.”

That is why the flu is especially important this year.

The U.S. Surgeon General has told states to be ready for the Covid-19 vaccine by November

“By getting that flu vaccine you can rule out the need to get a hospital bed, and then that hospital bed may become more available to those who are potentially admitted to Covid’s hospital,” Redfield told the wedding.

Just getting a proper diagnosis can be difficult, as the symptoms of the flu and coronavirus are very similar.

“We can’t immediately tell if someone has the flu or who has covid,” said Van Kerkov of the WHO.

Doctors will need to do more tests than usual, but tests for both the flu and Covid-19 are incomplete.

Also, an outbreak of both viruses could mean a lack of personal protective equipment for health care workers.

“It will really drain our PPE stocks very quickly,” Osterholm said.

Plans for a flu shot this year

U.S. Department of Disease Control and Prevention Centers recommend that everyone 6 months and older get a flu shot.
Flu shots work: According to the CDC, 2018-19 U.S. During the flu season, the vaccine prevented more than 4 million illnesses, 2 million doctor visits and approximately 58,000 hospitalizations and 3,500 deaths.

Redfield said the CDC has purchased 10 million doses of insurance this year, compared to the usual 500,000 doses.

“Please do not leave this important achievement of American medicine on the shelf for you, your family, your church, your employees.” He said in an interview with WebMD.

Studies suggest that the wearer of the face mask does not get too much about hand washing

But increased supply does not mean Americans will rush to get the flu shot.

CD Historically, about 45% of U.S. Adults and 63% of children are vaccinated against the flu, according to the CDC.

This year, there are unique obstacles.

U.S. Nearly a third of adults and 80% of children have their flu shot at a doctor’s office, according to a 2018 CDC study.

This year, many people are reluctant to go to the doctor for fear of catching Kovid.

About 15% of adults have worked on their flu shots, according to the study. This year, many are working from home.

“It’s becoming a challenge,” Osterholm said. “How do we get our flu shots?”

To help vaccinate more children against the flu, in August, the Trump administration authorized a state-licensed pharmacist to administer flu shots to children beginning at age 3.

Schaefner said he is particularly concerned about communities of color, where the coronavirus has already caused an disproportionate amount of illness and death.

“We really want to expand the influenza vaccination to communities in the color and lower socio-economic sectors, and those communities have been very traditionally wary of vaccination. They are not anti-vaccine – it’s a different group – they’re not just sure about the quality of vaccination.” It’s hard to reach, ”Scheffner said.

The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and other organizations are starting to give the term to people to encourage them to accept the flu vaccine, he says.

“We want to reach out to those communities of colors and present minorities with even more intensity, but unfortunately, we’re not very clever about how to do it.”
