Attempts to draw a crash band ndikut from polygon memory

Naturally, to celebrate the release Crash Bandicoot 4, A part of the polygonal gang came together and pulled the loving bandicoot out of memory.

Crash is one of the iconic Ma Scott characters of the 1990s, starring in his own horror live-action commercial, wearing cool shorts and fingerless gloves and eating vampa fruit. Although many of us Thought We knew the crash, it turned out we didn’t really remember what this guy looked like. Is it orange? Does he have ears? Is it shaped like a vague triangle? Does he have shorts?

We have a mix of media here, some old references and many good bandits. Also, a lot of polygonal employees learned what a bandit is today, obviously.

Charlie Hall

“After two really solid months of reviewing some really complicated video games, I’m completely fried. Mental and physical. I forgot we had a draw today, and when Slack pinched me I felt like I had nowhere to put a pencil or a piece of paper. So this is part of 2×4 … it’s probably from the cockpit I made. Or maybe under the CPU that was in the closet. Whatever. I start with the foot, and one was gone like Phineas and Ferb lookin ‘thing. I found the waist and realized that I had created a really, really horrible combination fracture of the crash leg. Didn’t go back. I’m going to take a nap before dinner. ”

Maddie Myers

“Who is the Crash Bandicoot? Is “Bandicoot” a real animal? Do they wear shoes? Should they There are a variety of these questions that I hope to raise in this piece. The answers are, of course, unknown. “

Emily Heller

“I finished my first crash early (because I used a small golf pencil without an eraser) so I decided to try my hand at drawing a real bandit. Turns out, I’m one of the only people in the polygon who really knows what a bandit is. Even so, I love it so much. “

Susanna Polo

“I tried to get the essence of Crash Bandicoot in its natural habitat, the World Wort of Warcraft.”

Julia Lee

“Today I learned that Bandikoot is a fox-like animal, not a fox-like creature. Wumpa fruit is also a funny name. “

Petra’s Rad Rad Dulovich

“For some reason, the only vivid memory I have of Crash Bandicoot is its belly button.”

Cass Marshall

Brian Gilbert

“I know three things about Crash Bandicoot:

  • Large torso / head
  • Small feet
  • Hate b .x

Chelsea Stark

“There’s only one crash bandicoot that sticks in my head, and those are the crash suits of 90s PSOne ads, where it opposes Nintendo headquarters. Why would you do that, crash? Don’t you have a nice bandicoot? ”

Simon de Rochefert

“Wow! As usual I started with the ears. But when I accidentally narrowed the nose of the crash I knew I had to make a commitment … whatever it is. My coworkers told me that the Dorito shaped body of the crash is good and recognizable, so I am proud of what I have done here. “

Clayton Ashley

“I thought this would be easy, but as I went face to face, the image of an eye crash melted in my mind. Instead, I decided to focus on my powers of imitating her creations: pale orange fur, irregular jeans, shiny read shoes. Oh, and I gestured to him with a “Gaibanga” hand. Looks like something crashed. “

Josh Rios

“I honestly wanted to channel some high school notebook energy and forgot what the face of the crash looked like. So I also signed up for the lineage. “

Patrick Gill

“Crash Bandicoot is a horrible looking person. I get what they were looking for but I wish they didn’t do this. “

Karen Han

“Crash Band Ndikut… Bic Ndikut Crash… Crash Band Ndikut.”