Atlantic vows to ‘end Nobel Peace Prize’ after Trump’s nomination

Atlantic Magazine raised eyebrows on Friday after President Trump was nominated for the prestigious honor when he vowed to abolish the Nobel Peace Prize.

The president’s name was nominated for the 2021 prize by Norwegian MLA Christian Tibering-Gajade, who cited Trump’s role in brokering a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Trump has since received a second nomination from Swedish MLA Magnus Jacobson to oversee economic deals between Kosovo and Serbia.

However, the nominee clearly did not sit well with the liberal magazine Gazin, which declared on Friday that “there is an opportunity for peace, and it has been blown away.”

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“If Trump wins the prize, it will be the fourth Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Israel and its neighbors,” wrote Grimm Wood, Atlantic’s staff writer. “It will make Arab-Israeli peace mediators more successful in captivating the Nobel Committee than the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has won the prize three times in its 120-year history, but is still less successful than my favorite, which is none at all.

Wood added, “It is a tradition to award the Peace Prize to anyone that the Nobel Committee should revive on a permanent basis.” “The record of achievement of the Peace Prizes is just as clear, and the rationale for their awards is so eclectic that the committee should take a long pause to consider whether peace was a sufficiently relevant opportunity for peace, and blew it up. Trump nomination … helps show why. “

Wood called the Tibering-Gazette a “condemnation” of Trump’s appointment, promising decades of power in return for the president’s “major diplomatic maneuvers, smiles and condo development.”

He added, “By now the contradictions of the Peace Prize should be clear.” “Is it given for peace, or for peace rumors? Do you deserve a reward for maintaining dictatorships, as long as the rogues are part of a stable network? Is it given for accidentally destroying a great army – or destruction?” Intentionally? What if you do all the right things, but you’re a bully, or an alleged rapist? “

Wood argued that the Peace Prize was more “subjective” than other Nobel laureates, stating that 1973 winner Henry Kissinger had ended and started “many conflicts” and noted that the 2009 honorary Barack Obama had an affair with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il. Refused to visit and expanded America’s reach. The drone program added that the 44th president called for “cooperation among the people.” His success in achieving was especially won for his promotion. “

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“All of this points to one conclusion,” Wood said. “The Nobel Committee can either award good institutions without the Red Cross or without Cutters with Borders … or it can keep the prize closed for a while, and evaluate its logic for the modern age.

“I doubt that this reassessment will end, if the committee is honest, with the acceptance that peace can only be recognized by its fruits, which take decades to mature, and not by its seeds. Rewards for seeds. There is confusion in the court and like Trump, you have to hold yourself hostage to the nomination. It is better to close it before the Trumps do it. “

The article was greeted with distrust and criticism on social media.

“I don’t expect the media to like Trump and worry about Nobel, but the hostility here is notorious,” commented Mark Hemingway, senior author of RealClear Investigations.

Newsbuster analyst Nicholas Fondacaro tweeted that “liberal media is experiencing a mental slump over Trump’s 2 Nobel Peace Prize nominations.”

“Is this a parody account?” Newsweek’s opinion editor Josh Hammer asked.

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“This is stupid. Trump does something worthy of it, so should the whole system burn down?” Tweeted Ariel Davidson, senior policy analyst at the National Security Agency for the Jewish Organization of America.

“I thought people were trolling the Atlantic when they said they were calling for Trump to end the Nobel Peace Prize in response to being nominated 2, but hey, no, that’s real,” said Harry Khachtrian, a contributor to the Daily Wire. Was. .

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The Atlantic recently made headlines in its explosive report that President Trump allegedly called World War I soldiers buried in an American cemetery near Paris “suckers” and described the cemetery as “full of losers” on a trip to France. 2018.

President Trump, as well as current and former members of his administration, have vehemently denied the Atlantic report.