Atlanta Braves Do Not Consider Name Change

The Cleveland Indians may be considering changing their names, but the Atlanta Braves, at least for now, are content to stay.

The Indians announced Friday night that the team was already having internal discussions about a possible name change, which occurred just hours after Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder announced they were conducting a team name review. after a severe reaction to the use of what is widely considered a racial slur.

However, the Braves gave no indication that they were considering making a similar change, according to the Associated Press.

“[The organization] Honor, support and value the Native American community, ”the Braves said in a statement, via the Associated Press. “That will never change”.

The Braves admitted they have “a lot of work to do on and off the field.” They said they were working to create “an even stronger bond with various Native American tribes” both in the Atlanta area and across the country.

“We have also held meetings with our Native American Task Force that will collaborate with us on cultural issues, education, and community outreach to amplify their voices and show our fans that they are still proud here,” said the team, via Associated Press. .

“The Atlanta Braves have a significant commitment to honor the Native American community and we are excited to work together to ensure this happens.”

The Indians have used that name since 1915, although it has had several other names throughout the organization’s history, including the Broncos, Bluebirds, and Naps. Cleveland also had a National League team called Spiders from 1889-99.

The organization also stopped using Chief Wahoo’s logo in 2019.

It is unclear whether or when a name change would be implemented in Cleveland, however, the organization seems extremely open to the idea.

“The recent social unrest in our community and in our country has only underscored the need for us to continue to improve as an organization on issues of social justice,” the team said in a statement. “With that in mind, we are committed to engaging our community and appropriate stakeholders to determine the best path to follow regarding our team name.

“While the focus of the baseball world shifts to the excitement of an unprecedented 2020 season, we recognize our unique place in the community and are committed to listening, learning, and acting in the way that can best unite and inspire our city and everyone. those who support our team. “

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