- Open-world exploration (much like AC: Odyssey, albeit with a more familiar color palette from The Witcher 3)
- Raven Sight (revealing wealth statistics, mysteries, and secrets in the area)
- Longboat game (with players preparing to mitigate damage)
- Fight in the midst of a complete castle siege (player uses twin axes and a bow in this video, he has two skill wheels assigned to each controller trigger, and he can use a battering ram to knock down doors on his way)
- A boss battle that ends in the option to execute or forgive the victim
- The game’s skills menu (which takes the form of constellations, unlocks in various branches, and includes points to spend on basic skills or statistics)
- A look at the inventory menu (which closely resembles those of Origins and Odyssey, though apparently with no level requirements on the team)
- A button to apparently enter the game’s Animus from the in-game menus (an apparent change from Odyssey sections with scripts outside of Animus)
- An apparently non-regenerative health bar (with the ability to eat berries from the environment to replenish it)
- A version of Odyssey’s absolute best skill, the Spartan Kick, which I’m delighted with
The footage is clearly not what Ubisoft expected to be the first true game to be shown to fans, particularly since it contains bugs that seem to affect cuts in and between scenes, as well as general visual issues at all times.
Ubisoft has uploaded and removed multiple versions of the footage since it was first leaked. With the Ubisoft Forward conference taking place this weekend, it seems likely that we will see the game planned in the storefront.
Ubisoft has not responded to requests for comment about the source of the footage, or whether it represents the game at its current stage of development.
Joe Skrebels is IGN Executive News Editor. Follow him on Twitter. Do you have any advice for us? Do you want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to [email protected].