As we know, 400-year-old ‘armored’ fish could change shark history

The 410-million-year-old fossil of an armed fish has completely changed the history of sharks, according to a newly published study.

Fish, known as Minginia tergenesis, Was a skeleton made up of bones, as opposed to cartilage, sharks are now mostly made up, save for its teeth. Experts discovered fossilized skulls in the Mongolian mountains.

“It was a very unexpected discovery,” the study’s lead author, Martin Brezou, said in a statement. Traditional wisdom says that the inner skeleton of the bone was a unique innovation of the lineage that was separated from the ancestors of sharks millions of millions of years ago. Previously, but here is a cousin of both sharks and finally, we have clear evidence of the inner skeleton of the bone. “

A virtual three-dimensional model of the braincase of Minginia transgenesis generated from a CT scan.  The inset shows raw scan data inside the spongy endochondral bone.  (Credit: Royal College London)

A virtual three-dimensional model of the braincase of Minginia transgenesis generated from a CT scan. The inset shows raw scan data inside the spongy endochondral bone. (Credit: Royal College London)

Older than the Great White East considered, the study says

It is possible M. Turgenensis Some members of the Plecoderm species may be larger than the Great White, reaching 30 feet or more in length. Brezo also noted that he was a potential hunter.

Though M. Turgenensis Considered to be significantly smaller than a modern whale shark or great white about 1 foot long, this has been very influential, suggesting that the shark once had bones and then lost them, the researchers said.

In addition to being a skeleton made of bone, it had bone plates over its head and shoulders that acted as braces, in which Brezou described it as “broad armor” as it floated in the ancient sea.

This discovery would add more confidence to the theory that endochondral bones – which make up human skeletons after birth – could play a much larger role in shark evolution and help them survive and adapt for more than 400 million years.

“If a shark has a skeletal skeleton and it gets lost, it could be an evolutionary adaptation.” Swim on water and various ths depths.

“Sharks could be helped to become one of the first global fish species to spread to oceans around the world 40,000 million years ago.”

The study was published in the scientific journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Maglodon Discovery: Scientists Real Realt Shark’s Association True Scale

Scientists continue to learn more about the history of sharks, which have survived all five global extinctions.

In February, researchers discovered a type of great white that lives in the Mediterranean region, which has been around for about 2.3 million years, significantly longer than experts previously thought.

Megalodon from prehistoric time visual 3D picture (credit: iStock)

Megalodon from prehistoric time visual 3D picture (credit: iStock)
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Megalodon, the largest shark to live at about 60 feet in length, has become extinct thanks to its smaller, more agile cousin, exiled and overtaken by the great white.

Other theories suggest that Megalodon was struck by an exploding star about 2.6 million years ago.

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