As the virus spikes, Europe runs low on ICU beds, hospital staff

Ambulances are parked outside hospitals waiting for beds in Italy, and the government coronavirus tracking application Covid-19 in France clearly demonstrates the intensive care capacity taken by patients: 92.5% and increasing. In the ICU of Barcelona, ​​there is no end to the vision for the doctors and nurses who have already endured this.

Strict care is the last line of defense for critically ill coronavirus patients and Europe runs out of beds and doctors and nurses keep them for staff.

In country after country, the burden of intensive care of CIVID-19 patients is approaching and sometimes surpassing the levels seen at the peak of last spring. Health officials, many advocating a return to strict lockdowns, warn that adding beds would not do any good because there are not enough trained doctors and nurses to staff.

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In France, more than 7,000 health care workers have been trained in intensive care techniques since last spring. Nursing students, interns, paramedics, have all been drafted, says Health Minister Iv Livier Veran.

Last week, when ICU units were filled to 85% capacity, he said, “It’s not infinite if the mobility is good and true.” “That’s not enough.”

Within days, it had surpassed another 7 percent and warned it would continue to tick upwards. And, unlike the first wave of last spring, the virus is now everywhere in France, making migration from one region to another by a high-speed train less practical. A hospital in the southern city of Marseille has recently been hit by a refrigerated rental truck .The ICU is feared dead.

In Italy, the head of the National Doctors Association, Filippo Anelli, said that at the current infection rate, there would not be enough doctors to move around soon. Recently in Naples, nurses began examining people sitting in cars outside emergency rooms, waiting for space to be vacated. There are a total of 11,000 ICU beds in Italy, but only anesthesiologists for 5,000 patients, Anelli said. As of Monday, 2,849 ICU beds were filled across the country – 100 a day earlier.

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For the average coronavirus patient with severe symptoms, the infection takes seven to 10 days to be hospitalized. They often have to stay for weeks even when more patients come in for admission. The math is useless as long as the rate of infection increases.

Patients from France, Belgium and the Netherlands are being moved to German intensive care units, but German doctors say they are rapidly moving the number of free beds.

Dr Uwe Jansens, head of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, said some urban areas were reaching uncertain levels.

“It can be a serious mass when there are only 0 beds left in a city of millions of people, because you don’t just have Covid-1, there are traffic accidents, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism and so on.” .

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In the last two weeks, the number of coronavirus patients treated in the ICU in Germany alone has risen nearly 94 times to 2,546. Yet Jansens admits that Germany’s position is better than France’s, Belgium’s, the Netherlands and Britain’s.

There are approximately 34.5 ICU beds per 100,000 inhabitants in Germany, not including the Emergency Reserve. He said Italy has 10, while France has 16.

“But beds, ventilators and monitors do not mean that the patient can be cared for. Germany lags far behind when it comes to nurses and specialist staff, “he said. “We have a lot of beds but we don’t have enough staff for them.”

Spain has similar limitations, but it has already suffered coronavirus deaths on a German scale.

“On the one hand, health workers are fed up; On the other hand, the number of people working on the front line is limited, “said Dr. Robert Gary, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Hospital Spital del Mar in Barcelona and coordinator of Covid-19 Hospital.

His coronavirus unit was filled in October, then the critical care unit was filled. Although the rate of infection is a bit mild, he does not know when any of these beds will be free.

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In neighboring Portugal, Fernando Maltese has 40 years of experience in contingency planning for health risks as one of the country’s leading infectious disease specialists. This is a different one.

In the seven months from the beginning of March to the end of September, Portugal officially counted more than 75,500 cases of COVID-19. October In October, the count was about 66,000.

When curfews were imposed in the country on Monday, a total of 43,433 coronavirus patients were in the Portuguese ICU. During the worst week of last spring, there were 271 patients with coronavirus in the ICU. The number of hospital admissions has increased sevenfold since September 1 and is still rising.

“There is no end to sight,” Maltese said as he inspects Lisbon’s Curry Cabral Hospital, where the 20 ICU beds reserved for coronavirus patients are now all occupied. “No health service in the world … can cope with the influx of cases that keep coming right now.”

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Most of Eastern Europe, last spring, is in a similar situation. Hungary warned that in the worst case scenario its ICU would be out of space by December, and hospital admissions in Poland had more than tripled the level seen in the spring. Late last month, with medical training, American National Guard personnel left for the Czech Republic to work with doctors there, and shifted to Prague’s Mayor’s Hospital.

There are a few signs of hope. Barozium, one of the most affected countries in Europe when it comes to coronavirus cases, has seen an increase in signs of a turning point in the crisis following a partial lockdown. Hospital admissions appear to have reached 87,879 on November 3 and dropped to 40,000 on Sunday, said virologist Yves van Latham.

The 2,000-bed ICU capacity was expected to be reached last week, but Steven van Gogh, a virologist at Science’s government health group, said the pace was slowing there as well.

“At least for now,” the high-speed train is slowing down.

Frank Jordens, associate press writer in Berlin; Renata Britto in Barcelona, ​​Spain; Danica Kirka in London; Lorne Cook and Raf Cassert in Brussels; Francis D’Emilio in Rome; And Barry Hate in Lisbon, Portugal contributed to this report.