As the election campaign draws to a close, Trump will face new character tests

First reported in Atlantic Magazine and published on CNN. The remark, backed by many outlets, including Trump’s character with a public figure, seemed so much that it did not even dispel the impression of denial made by current and former officials that Trump is a man who is sometimes. Saying terrible things.
When his book, formerly attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, was soon followed by a book depicting Trump as a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a grandfather, a racist, a predator, and a con man, the surprise failed to materialize again – although Cohen worked with Trump for years. Were. .

Now, as the presidential campaign begins its final phase after Labor Day, the question of what Americans know about Trump’s character has diminished, but whether they care.

Trump is assuming they don’t. He has continued his attacks on war heroes and generals even though he has tried to claim respect for the military. And he is denying the country’s racist past counting efforts, even though he works to convince suburban white voters that he is not racist.

In the last days of 2016, as the voter threshold was tested for bad behavior, as Trump’s rude on-camera comments about women molesting women ran rampant, Americans are forced to re-decide this time that Trump’s character really matters to them. Whether or not. In the comprehensive scheme of things at that time, it did not happen and he won.

Trump and Biden watch the polls from one side to the other

But 2020 could be different: after that race, voters are bombarded with more examples using the president’s crude, sexist or racist language, erasing any assumptions that the office could change them and shake up the country’s politics.

Election about character

At its heart, the 2020 presidential campaign has always been about character. Life-changing epidemics, economic disasters, and national racial censuses have also become a test of the administration’s constitution: whether Trump cares enough to deal with a health crisis, whether he understands the plight of jobless Americans, and whether he can speak. Historian in the United States with compassion for historically persecuted people.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, has clearly made Trump’s character the central argument of his campaign, and it is clear that he lacks the moral authority to lead the country if he were the current traditional Republican and perhaps no one – Biden’s parable.

He has tried to cast himself as a moral opponent of Trump – and on Sunday, just minutes after the president arrived at one of his golf clubs for the president’s 296th visit, Biden arrived at church services at St. Joseph in Brandywin. Wilmington, Delaware.

Biden puts two feet in the ring as Trump dives

Republicans also acknowledge that they will play a central role in voter decision-making in November, considering Trump is a sexist or racist who will hold their conventions last month with personal appreciation, in order to reject suggestions suggesting suburban voters are being robbed. Off from the President’s behavior.

However, based on a largely stable vote after the convention, these arguments did not reverse Trump’s harsh views as negligence, disrespect, and elitism. And that’s the impression the president has – which he hasn’t always tried to refute – that makes it difficult for him to shake up the allegations made this week.

“If this is true then it is really reprehensible. The problem is that given the past behavior of the president and the statements he has made, it is credible, especially about Sen. McCain,” said James Clapper, a former director at CNN.

Following the publication of the Atlantic article, CNN’s Jim Acosta reported that a former senior administration official had confirmed that Trump was referring to crude and insulting members of the American Service at France’s Sne-Marne cemetery during a visit in late November 2018 to mark his 100th birthday. World War I.
A person familiar with Trump’s views also said he has repeatedly questioned why Americans serving in Vietnam went to war, suggesting he does not know how to exploit the system to get conflict veterans out of service. Trump postponed a draft for bone spurs. The same source said Trump has also questioned why Americans would sign to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, loudly wondering, “What did they get out of it?”

Trump is so outraged by the article that aides began inning denials as soon as it was published, people familiar with the matter said. Trump himself issued a vehement denial on Thursday evening while standing on a pitch-black tarmac, his statement appeared to have no light to illuminate.

Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie was asked by CNN’s Dana Bash on “State the Union” on Sunday if he would ever listen to the president’s veterans. “And if I thought it was true I would be offended too.”

Hardly anything new

But despite the chorus of current and former administration officials, the president was nothing more than a tribute to members of the American service, it is true that anything contained in the article echoes either what happened in public or what the president said. The past.

U.S. In an attempt to dispel allegations of disrespect for military members, Trump attacked his former chief of staff, John Kelly, a decorated Marine Corps general, and replaced Sen. John McCain, whose treatment was central to Trump’s Atlantic story.

Similarly, Tripp’s statements depicting Cohen as racist contained in his book would have been more explicit if the president had not slammed the racist conspiracy theory about his predecessor or repeatedly insulted the intellect of his black critics.

Trump’s dishonest campaign is completely on-brand

Cohen called Trump in his book about Barack Obama after he won the presidency in 2008, quoting him as saying, “Tell me a country run by a black man that doesn’t have a stop … it’s all full of * looking toilets.” After the death of Nelson Mandela, Trump allegedly said of South Africa, “Mandela F * has surrounded the whole country. Now he is a shar *. F. CK Mandela. He was no leader.”

He is the accountant who urged Republicans to join the line of the roster of African Americans during his convention last month that he is not a racist and cares about racial harmony.

But then Trump rejected the idea that structural racism exists in the United States as well – during a controversial visit to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where police shot black man Jacob Blake seven times. Asked by a reporter if he believes systemic racism exists, Trump chose to focus on the violence during the demonstration.
On Friday, Trump seemed to codify this view in federal policy. His budget president instructed the heads of federal agencies to dramatically change ethnic sensitivity training programs for employees, saying “white privilege” and the “complex race theory,” which he called “non-American propaganda,” would be funded from relevant sessions. .
Kamala Harris: 'America has two systems of justice'
And on Sunday, Trump said the U.S. Department of Education would investigate whether California schools use the New York Times “1619 project” in public school curricula. The Pulitzer Prize-winning collection refreshes American history around the date 19 August 1619, when the first slave ship arrived on the American coast.

Efforts by the President to process or compute the country’s rich ethnic history follow the President’s pattern.

Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris – the first black and South Asian American woman on the party’s main ticket, avoids the issue, revealing character flaws.

“I don’t think most reasonable people who care about facts will argue that there is racial discrimination and that there is a system engaged in racism in terms of how laws are enforced,” said California Senator and Harris. In an exclusive interview with Bass on the former state attorney general, CNN. “It’s not good for us to deny it. Let’s just deal with it. Let’s be honest. This can be a difficult conversation for some people, but they can’t have a difficult conversation for real leaders, but for leaders.”
