As a doctor, people ask me if it is safe to get a new covid vaccine. Given that criticism is dangerous, here is my very cautious answer – RT-P-Ed

The type of vaccine that has been developed against the virus has never been used before – outside of Ebola. The trial has been extremely fast and only a small number are included in the test. Could it be wrong?

Since the first positive results about the vaccine came out, a lot of people have asked me if I think everyone should take it? For some reason, many people there believe in my judgment of such matters.

I noticed that the Daily Mail recently ran a poll showing that three-quarters of Britain would agree to get a job – although 40 per cent of politicians want to take it first to prove it is safe. To be honest, I feel sorry that any vaccine is given to certain politicians, as I am not sure it will survive.

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Even so, are most Daily Mail readers so enthusiastic about vaccinations? I must admit that I am writing this article with a little caution, as I am strongly aware that vaccines, the slightest hint of criticizing any vaccine, is dangerous.

I recently commented to a friend, at the moment when someone says ‘vaccine’, the only acceptable response is to jump on your feet and salute, while singing Odd to Joy. Fifteen minutes of enthusiastic applause followed. Failure to do so, means you are taken out and shot for thought crimes. DoublePlusGood, really.

The first thing I want to say here is that the type of vaccine against Covid-19 has never been used before, outside of Ebola. Some people feel that they should not really be called a vaccine, because it is completely different from anything that has happened before.

Until now, vaccination has meant a dead virus (or bacteria), or a weakened and just weakened reaction, or parts of the virus, or the like. Once inside the body, the immune system spots this ‘foreign’ material, and reacts against it, which will hopefully be remembered for years and years to come.

The next time a dangerous virus appears, the body will use a similar immune system to wipe out the virus (or bacteria) faster, giving it no chance of harm. The ‘vaccine’ worked for the first time using the immune system against smallpox using the cowpox virus.

It has been noted that smallpox has not been found since dairy farmers who caught cowpox, a relatively mild disease in humans. It was Edward Jenner who wondered how, or why, this happened. In 1796, he removed the goods from the Cowpox sore, and then rubbed it into the skin of uninfected people with smallpox, to see if they would be safe.

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His first volunteer was a little boy who was ‘vaccinated’ with cowpox scraping. Jenner then tried to infect the boy with smallpox scrings pings. A form of research that would be rather distracting today. Fortunately, the young boy survived, and the vaccination was born. Since using a less dangerous ‘thing’ to build protection against harmful infections, everything has varied on this theme ever since. till now.

Now, we have a thing called Messenger RNA Vaccine (MRNA). RNA is, effectively, a strand of DNA – the double helix that sits inside our cells and forms our genetic code. Many viruses are made up of a single strand of RNA, surrounded by a protein sphere.

They enter the cell, take over replication systems, make thousands of copies of themselves, then exit the cell. Sometimes killing the cell by doing so, sometimes exiting more gently. Covid 19 (SARS-Cov2) is an RNA virus.

Knowing this, trying to create a weak virus, which could take years, or break the virus into bits, vaccine researchers decided to use the RNA of SARS-Cove 2 against themselves. To do this, they isolated a section of RNA that codes for a ‘spike’ protein – something that is used as a ‘key’ to enter virus cells.

They then performed RNA tests. No. This small piece, Messenger RNA. No. worked on how to insert it into the cell, where it takes a part of the protein replication mechanisms that sit inside all the cells. They turn the mechanism into a 3D printer, copying the spike protein.

This spike leaves the cell after the protein – somehow or other, this bit is obscure. Immunity comes around them, recognizing them as ‘aliens’ and attacks. In doing so, antibodies are made, and the immune memory system moves forward in action. If, later, the SARS-Cove 2 virus enters the body, the immune system ignites and attacks the recalled spike protein. Hopefully that will kill the whole virus.

This is all, certainly very clever stuff. What, as they say, might go wrong?

The first thing to say is that with this something new, we don’t really know. It may be that it is completely 100 percent safe. We are told that none of the mRNA can enter the cell structure, where it can be incorporated into the DNA. I hope so. Can it stimulate the immune cascade? I have no hope.

I know that researchers will take a very, very close look at emerging novel safety issues. If they are not, they should be well condemned. However, the timeline here is very short. It usually takes many years to make a safe and effective vaccine. Here’s what’s happening this week, effectively.

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At an early stage human safety studies have been simultaneously rubbed very hard. In addition, we will have very little information on whether the vaccine actually reduces serious infections or death, as Professor Hasseltine noted in a recent article: “This [vaccine] The protocols do not emphasize the most important ritual of COVID-19 that people are most interested in preventing: overall infection, hospitalization, and death. “Prof. Hasseltine also argues that all of these tests are” designed to be successful. “

The reality is that we are running. There are many good reasons for this rush, but I advise caution. Should everyone be vaccinated? Probably yes to people with the highest risk of serious infections and deaths with potential benefits. For anyone healthy, under the age of sixty, I wait. As i will be

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