Apple ordered PanOptis to pay $ 506 million for infringing LTE patents

Apple must pay $ 506 million PanOptis for intentional infringement of a handful of patents related to 4G LTE technology, a Texas federal jury ruled today (via Law360).

The jury found that Apple did not prove that PanOptis’ patent claims were invalid, which resulted in the order to pay $ 506 million in royalties. PanOptis first filed a lawsuit against Apple in February 2019 on behalf of five of its wireless companies, accusing Apple of violating seven LTE-related patents.

According to PanOptis, all LTE-enabled Apple products, including the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, infringe on their LTE patents. PanOptis had claimed damages “in the form of reasonable royalties” when it demanded a jury trial last year.

PanOptis and its affiliates, Optis Wireless Technology, Optis Cellular Technology, Unwired Planet, and Unwired Planet International, are non-practicing entities that hold patents and generate revenue through patent licensing, otherwise known as patron trolls.

Shortly before the lawsuit was originally filed, Apple began the process of closing all of its stores in the Eastern District of Texas, presumably in an effort to prevent patent litigation in the jurisdiction, which is a favorite is of pattern trolls. The trial and jury association of PanOptis took place in the Eastern District of Texas.

Apple will no doubt appeal today’s decision.
