Apple advocates for small business going forward because somehow the pearl logo resembles Apple’s logo

Apple has sued a small company called Prepear over its alleged similarity to the Apple logo. The lawsuit says Prepear’s Pear-shaped logo is similar to Apple’s logo and hurts its business. Prepear is a healthy app for baby food and does not even compete directly with any of Apple’s product offerings.

Prepear, owned by Super Healthy Kids, is an app available in the App Store and Google Play Store, and as explained above, does not compete with any of Apple’s products and service offerings. Except when you shake your eyes, you would also find it difficult to point out the similarity in the Prepear and Apple logos, except that they are different fruits.

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Here is Prepear’s statement from her official Instagram account where she shared details about the impact of the lawsuit on her company.

Recently @apple yes, the trillion dollar Apple, has decided to go against and go to the trademark of our small business that said our pear logo is too close to its appeal logo and adopts its brand?

This is a big hit for us at Prepear. To combat this, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars. The CRAZY thing is that Apple has done this to dozens of other small business fruit companies, and many have opted to leave their logo, rather than close doors. While the rest of the world goes out of its way to help small businesses during this pandemic, Apple has chosen to go to our small business.

I’m not trying to get anyone to stop using or buying Apple products. I feel a moral obligation to stand up to Apple’s aggressive legal action against small businesses and fight for the right to keep our logo. We are defending ourselves against Apple not only to keep our logo, but to send a message to big tech companies that mobile companies are affected.

The people behind Prepear have created a petition to gain support for their business. As of this writing, the petition has more than 25,000 signatures and counts. Let’s hope Apple realizes that they have taken a misunderstanding here and returned from threatening this small business. Apple’s lawsuit against Prepear hurts its brand more than any imaginative resemblance to the small business logo.

Here’s a full copy of Apple’s 352-page lawsuit in which it attempts to accuse Prepear of trademark infringement.