Apex Legends teases potential Season 6 characters Ash and New Map

Apex Legends Season 5 has seen developer Respawn try to tell the game’s story in a new way, with weekly single-player missions and drops of knowledge that reveal more about the world. The last single player mission for season 5 is live, and if you have 45 treasure packs collected this season, you can play it right now. And if you’re excited to see what Season 6 might have in store, you’ll want to take a look at this final quest, which pokes fun at the possibility of a new map as well as the arrival of a new playable character, Ash. If you are not caught, this is what you can expect.

During a mission that unlocks after completing the Final Quest, you will enter a vault and see the character below, believed to be Ash, a mock pilot and antagonist for Titanfall 2. She first appeared in Apex Legends during the Season 4 Cinematic Launch Trailer. You will find her headless, but you will be able to approach and replace her, apparently bringing her back to life. By appearing in the flesh (as is), this can trigger your arrival as a playable character.

Alongside this, players can enjoy a dialogue exchange between Lifeline and Octane, which you can read below. Towards the end, Lifeline mentions: “If we go to Olympus.” Olympus is the name of a city in Psamathe, which was first mocked as a future map in Apex Legends just before the start of Season 4.

Restoring Ash's head
Restoring Ash’s head

For now, these are simple clues, but with Season 6 on the way pretty soon: Season 5 has only a few weeks of challenges left and no more Missions, we should start to have a clearer idea of ​​what’s to come soon.

Lifeline and Octane's conversation about Olympus
Lifeline and Octane’s conversation about Olympus
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