Apex Legends Season 6: Updated details on the world map of the Edge

Respawn holds out the examples for Apex Legends season 6 at a slow and constant pace. On Friday morning it was the gameplay trailer, and now Respawn is giving players an example of some of the World Edge map changes that plagued the trailer.

In a new post on the Apex Legends website, Respawn offers players an in-depth look at some of the locations that will be updated on the World Edge map for season 6. Some of the biggest changes are coming to the lava section of the map, which includes a few new points are gaining in importance, such as Launch Site, a new area west of The Dome – which adds some new and much-needed coverage, and it should create a slightly more interesting area to play in.

Even better is that Respawn clears some of the paths around that map, which should make rotating the lava area a little easier if you get a foggy circle. Another area that is new to this version of the map is Countdown. While Hammond Industries plunges into the world of the Edge map and re-forms it for its own mysterious purposes, the old Drill Site area on the map has been replaced by Countdown.

Countdown, Launch Site, and Staging – another new area added for season 6 – have new retreat walls, which players can upgrade if they need some extra defenses. But do not rely too much on them; there is always a path under or around these walls.

The post also includes a few more adjustments and changes that lie around the map, complete with image sliders to show players side-by-side comparison of the new and old versions of each area. Of course, Respawn probably won’t show all the changes either, so there will probably be a few more surprises when the season actually goes live.

Speaking of live, respawn expert also added a new detail about the release of season 6. Apex Legends season 6 was set to go live on August 18, and while that’s still technically true, it will actually be released a little earlier (depending on where you live). To help reduce the bandwidth requirement of too many people trying to download the season patch at the same time, it will be released daily at 1 am EDT – that is 10 pm PDT on 17 August.