Apex Legends: Rampart kit for full abilities revealed

Apex Legends‘newest character was revealed last week and we finally know what she’s doing. On Sunday, Respawn unveiled Rampart’s full kit and all of its capabilities.

Rampart is an underground mud in the world of Apex Legends, which means she also has the tech expertise to give herself some impressive advantages. Rampart’s passive capability allows it to have faster reload time and increased ammo capacity in each LMG it carries – than its own mini-rifle.

With its Tactical Ability, Rampart can build shield walls for its allies – like anyone else who steps behind them – to use. These walls will block bullets coming from one side and become bullets from behind them, which should make it extra strong for securing an area with your field. Speaking of locking things up, Rampart’s Ultimate ability builds a mounted mini-pistol called Sheila with a very high firing rate and a very slow charging speed.

Rampart’s capabilities

  • Tactical capability – Amped Cover: Build a wall with a crawler cover, which inserts a full-walled amp wall that blocks incoming shots and outgoing shots with amps
  • Passive Ability – Modded Loader: Increased magazine capacity and faster upload / upload using LMGs and the minigun
  • Ultimate Ability – Place a mounted machine gun that anyone can use. High ammo capacity, long reload time

Rampart is set to be released next Apex Legends season 6, which is scheduled to begin on August 18th.