Apex Legends: Final Quest teases New Character New Map and Titanfall Hints

Apex Legends season 5 will soon come to an end after almost 9 weeks of play. We were introduced to a new character, Loba, and a new series of missions. This season he brought Wolf to Outland to exact revenge on Revenant for killing her parents. But before he could do it, Revenant’s head was teleported to an unknown location. So she began her search to locate him.

Apex Legends Season 5 Broken Ghost Story

This was a personal quest Loba was on. The actual mission for Season 5 was about restoring an artifact called ‘The Broken Ghost’. Loba called a meeting of all the legends to tell them about this particular artifact. Parts of the artifact scattered into King’s Canyon from another dimension. The team suspects Loba’s intentions and discovers that she has been hiding something. The team had also decided to let the search be a Revenant secret, but there was a mole among them.

Bangalore then decides to do some research on what Loba was hiding and confronts her when she finds out. Loba then reveals that Hammond Robotics is searching for the artifact and in return will be given the location of Revenant’s head. It was later revealed that Caustic was the one who betrayed the team and gifted the plans to Revenant.

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Season 6 teasers / tracks

After the last mission, you can play a mission where you enter a vault. Then you find a character rumored to be Ash, the antagonist of Titanfall 2. Then you proceed to restore his head, bringing him back to life. Have a look

At this point, the character you brought to life says “The path ends here. Welcome to Olympus.

Olympus was a teased map before season 4, in case you didn’t already know.

This is not everything. The new season was also rumored to feature a new legend that could probably be Ash.

This was the final quest for the season and there are no more missions left. So it is more important. This may be the big reveal we were waiting for, or there could be more. There are only a few weeks left for the season to end and we will have our answer soon enough.

Akshay Patel

I love to play games of all kinds. You can usually find me casually teaming up with my squad to play the most random games ever. Oh, and I also manage to write about it sometimes