Another tease of Batman from WB Games Montreal has been posted

By Stephany Nunneley, Wednesday, 19 August 2020 16:19 GMT

The truth is scratched.

Other Batman teaser posted by WB Games Montreal and it’s a tile puzzle with the words “the truth is shaken” well, shaken.

Here’s the tease.

Yesterday’s tease asked people to enter the code 761 on the r3dakt3d (redacted) website and upon introduction it just asked you to come back today for a new tease. It also showed a location on the map.

Today, enter the code 941 on the website seems to post Two-Face.

Warner began releasing the game back in September 2019, in January this year, and again earlier this week.

We will be watching the new game for sure from WB Games Montreal with a just reveal during DC FanDome this Saturday 22nd August.

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