Anola Holmes Review: Sherlock’s baby sister solves many of her own good cases

Sherlock Holmes is one of the dirtiest characters in literature. Like the Yorkshire Pudding Pasta Like throat in the shape of a man, it can be turned into anything in the changing time demands. A Mithnathropic Action Hero (Guy Riches Sherlock Holmes), An asbestos doctor (Home), Or perhaps the most sacred, American immigrant (Elementary). All this makes for fun stories. Anyone who is very smart and unpretentious with social ethics is happy to see them solve mysteries, no one else seems to crack. But, should he and his world be so white and masculine?

Netflix Anola Holmes This is the last attempt to free Sherlock stories of burdens, or at least one of them. Based on a series of young adult novels by Nancy Springer, the film introduces the kid sisters of Anola (Miley Bobby Brown), Sherlock (Henry Cavill) and Mycroft (Sam Cleflin) Holmes. Much younger than his siblings, Anola (he’s “alone” backwards, as he’ll tell you more than once) was raised as a child by his mother, Eudoria (Helena Bonham Carter). At least until her sudden disappearance, who asks her brothers to return home to send Anola to a full school, where she can learn to be the right woman.

Of course, like many great stories about young girls, being the right woman is what Anola wants to do. Talented like his more famous brothers in observation, memory and deduction skills, Anola suspects that her mother’s eye is missing more than meets and decides to eat finishing school to find it. In short, she is stumbling upon her own first case: fugitive Viscount Texbury (Louis Partridge) who appears to be a murderer on target.

As an adaptation of the YA book series, Anola Holmes A clever renaissance installation, just imagining a pleasant and progressive, world where a young woman can prove herself so capable, if not, mature men, who like space as bright and as much as they like. Desire. It won’t show you a willingness to break the y fictional tradition of revealing its subjects aloud, through its outside voice, in Anola’s narrative, and again through the character’s conversations with each other.

Despite this, the movie is still amazing. Miley Bobby Brown, who was free to tell the viewer loneliness and disguised as a boy about London, seemed to be speaking the ball – especially compared to his dwarf Stranger things The character Henry Cavill is probably the last British actor I can imagine playing Sherlock Holmes, but he’s great; Your adult-ass football player brother who gave the NFL a garment with his mind instead of his muscles. Louis Partridge is a great viscous-in-distress and foil for Anola. Everyone except Mycroft Holmes is charming in a very British way, as someone in the story is about to become a little misguided.

Should Anola Holmes, Like the book based on it, be the first in the series, it would not be a terrible thing. The whole effort with Hollywood’s budget plays like the Disney Channel original; One that would be really nice to check out with another movie or two in the next few years. There is no forgetting Sherlock Holmes. It has been around forever and will reappear and be rediscovered. Going for a walk with Anola doesn’t feel bad at all; If nothing else, that’s a nice change.