Anna Camp says she contracted Covid-19 after not wearing a mask in public ‘once’

The actress shared the news to her followers on Instagram on Tuesday.

“Hello friends … I felt it was my responsibility to share that I ended up receiving Covid-19. Since then I have tested negative, but I was extremely ill for more than three weeks and still have persistent symptoms. I was incredibly safe. I was wearing a mask. I used disinfectant. for my hands. Once, as the world began to open up, I decided to give up wearing my mask in public. Once. Once. And I ended up wearing it, “Camp wrote. “I think it could have been for that once.”
She went on to discuss what it was like to have the virus.

“People say it is like having the flu, but I have had the flu, and this is not absolutely that. The panic of contracting a virus that is basically intractable and is so new that no one knows what irreparable long-term damage it causes.” for your immune system it’s incredibly stressful, “he said.” Losing my sense of smell and taste completely without knowing when or even if they’ll come back is extremely disorienting. I only smell about 30 percent of what I used to do now. Other persistent symptoms are (one month later) dizziness, extreme fatigue, sinus breasts, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and fever. I’m lucky. Because I didn’t die. “

The camp urged others to wear a mask.

“Please be safe out there. Let’s do our part and wear a mask. I don’t want any of you going through what I did. Although it’s a small thing, it can have a big impact, and it’s incredibly easy to do.”
