And now, for some extremely high-def video game holes

Have you ever played a video game and thought to yourself, “Boy, do I wish I could stop shooting at this enemy’s face and instead admire my character’s skin on an almost microscopic level?” Good, good news, Buffalo Bill. Atomic Heart, The open world first-purse shooter that looks like a Soviet Bioshock, You are covered.

At least, that’s the case when it comes to the game’s photo mode. In the trailer above, you can see the real-time camera on a character model so deeply that you can create each individual part of the stubble. Hell, you can also check the model’s oily skin. Looks like we’re going to pop up some blackheads here. Strange as it may seem, the videos are having fun in ways that show real physical functions, whether it’s the holes in this particular case or the more sweaty beads.

There is also a little story in this trailer. Apparently, the USSR would take a big leap, allowing them to somehow get rid of the evils of capitalism. Everyone is getting ready for an ominous vaccine, the radio announcer announces, as the trailer states that the pendemonium has come loose when you were busy looking at that character’s nose.

The machines of this world have rebelled against humanity, according to the game’s Spify new website. Your job is to remove the new threat before that serious before Psy’s classified information is revealed to the wider world.

Atomic Heart Is being developed for PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Windows PC. No release date has been set.