American coronavirus: New cases are declining, says official, but that could change soon if people are not careful

U.S. trends are now going “in the right direction,” Adm said. Brett Giroir, the official Trump administration overseeing U.S. state coronavirus testing, and the decay shares part of security protocols such as masks and social distance.

At least 20 states are seeing a downward trend in new cases compared to the previous week, while 18 states are reporting a constant number of new cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

State leaders who have reported on leveling out new cases also attribute it to compliance with safety guidelines. In Washington state, where health officials say the rate of new cases is slower, Secretary of State Dr. John Wiesman said “face masks have made a difference.”

Giroir said U.S. states and jurisdictions that report an ongoing trajectory of new cases include Guam, Hawaii, California, Indiana and Vermont. Hawaii’s state capital has imposed dramatic restrictions on meetings – inside and outside – in an effort to control a rise in business.

Despite the hopeful signs, now is not the time to drop or reduce measures, Giroir warned.

“This could turn around very quickly if we are not careful,” Giroir said. “We saw that early after Memorial Day and the few weeks after that kind of started the current outbreak.”

The rise in cases over the summer came weeks after states lifted restrictions to curb the spread of the virus. Much of the progress made during stay-at-home orders was soon lost, officials said because some Americans celebrated the beginning of summer by wrapping up beaches and parties with a little distance between them. By July, many states saw new peaks breaking previous records set during April and May. In response, more than half of the country halted its reopening plans and put in place new measures to stem a spread that experts said was out of control.
U.S. leaders are urging young people to strike out at social gatherings and practice safety guidelines. Younger groups, experts said, helped drive the rise in cases over the summer. While they are now returning to university campuses, universities have already reported hundreds of positive tests.
It is unclear what may happen next, but experts have made grim predictions as flu season arrives. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading expert, said the consequences of the country’s overhaul could be devastating. Note that Americans already saw what happened when states spilled over on the tours.
And last month, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield said that fall and winter will “probably be one of the most difficult times we (have) experienced in the U.S. public health.”

Georgia, Texas, Florida report the most infections per capita

Meanwhile states across the south and west continue to report most daily infections as they are adapted for population.
Georgia leads the country by head association with most cases per day over an average of seven days, followed by Texas and Florida. All three states filed months ago for some of the most aggressive redevelopment plans. Earlier in the summer, experts called Florida the new epicenter, as hospitals reached statewide ICU capacity and officials announced thousands of new infections every day.
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The governor, like the governor of Georgia, never issued a statewide mask mandate.

When Georgia schools reopened this month, many hundreds of students and staff reported quarantined after officials identified positive cases. A photo of a crowded Georgia high school hall with almost no masks in front of his eyes made headlines and caused concern across the country. One school district announced it would begin virtual learning this year after more than 90 staff members were forced to quarantine.

A report by the Coronavirus Task Force on August 16, obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, states that Georgia was in the red zone and recommended that the state do more to fight coronavirus, including closing bars and gyms. , limit indoor dining at restaurants and reduce social gatherings to 10 or fewer people.

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“If we’re the highest (per) capital in the state right now, it’s because Texas and Florida and Arizona and some of the states that peaked a week or two ago are on the downclimb, “said Kemp.

Kemp’s office told CNN in a statement that the state health department continues to “encourage Georgians to wear a mask, look at their distance, wash their hands and follow public health guidelines.” Kemp press secretary Cody Hall said the 7-day business average of the state is down and hospitalizations are down, adding to the state’s transfer rate is 0.85.

“The data is encouraging, but we can not take our foot off the gas,” Hall said in a statement.

How universities respond

Already, more than a dozen colleges have reported cases on campus with outbreaks that were recovered from off-campus meetings, athletics, Greek life, dormancy or trapped during tests for movement.

The University of Mississippi said in a memo Wednesday 15 student-athletes and one employee tested positive for the virus. Of the 15 athletes, 11 are on the same team, but the university did not say from which sports the positive tests came.

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At the University of Connecticut, several students were evicted from their campus housing after the university found they were holding an “unapproved meeting in a room of a dormitory.”

“Students wore no masks, closely assembled and cared not only for their own health and well-being, but that of others at a time when UConn is working to protect our community and resume lessons in the context of a deadly global pandemic,” “Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, Eleanor JB Daugherty, and Executive Director of Residential Life, Pamela Schipani, wrote Tuesday in a letter to the community.

Fourteen Drake University students were asked to leave campus for two weeks after violating an agreement signed by students describing safety protocols.

The University of Notre Dame announced all undergraduate classes for the next two weeks as the university tries to get a spike in cases under control. Michigan State University has also announced that the year will begin remotely for undergraduate students. In New York, Ithaca College announced that distance instruction will be extended to students for the entire fall semester.

CNN’s Amanda Watts, Jill Martin, Melissa Alonso, Annie Grayer and Andy Rose contributed to this report.
