AMD Offers Important Milestone in Mobile Efficiency

In 2014, AMD said it would improve the energy efficiency of its mobile processors by 25 times by 2020. But the company has exceeded that goal: The new AMD Ryzen 7 4800H mobile processor improves the energy efficiency of the benchmark measurement by 31.7. 2014. Times, says the firm, while offering “leadership performance” for notebook PCs.

“We have always focused on energy efficiency in our processors, but in 2014 we decided to put even more emphasis on this capability,” says AMD CTO Mark Papermaster in a prepared statement. “Our team of engineers joined the challenge and charted a path to achieving our goal of 25 times greater energy efficiency by 2020. We were able to far exceed our goal, achieving a 31.7-fold improvement that led to ultrathin gaming and notebook computers with performance Unmatched graphics and long battery life. I couldn’t be prouder of our engineering and business teams. “

As AMD points out, increased energy efficiency leads to significant real-world benefits, including longer battery life, better performance, lower energy costs, and less environmental impact from computing. And with the focus on mobile computing hardware shifting to performance per watt these days, AMD is trying to position itself as the traditional PC chip maker that can meet the ARM challenge.

You know, unlike Intel.

Most readers are probably familiar with “Moore’s Law,” Gordon Moore’s observation from Intel that the number of components in integrated circuits would double each year. (At least originally, this changed over time to 18 months and then to 2 years.) For mobile devices, AMD is citing the similar “Koomey Law,” created by Stanford consulting professor Jonathan G. Koomey, for which energy efficiency will also double every year and a half.

“Six years ago, AMD challenged itself to dramatically improve the real-world energy efficiency of its mobile processors,” says Dr. Koomey of the AMD milestone. “I have reviewed the data and can report that AMD exceeded the 25 × 20 target it set in 2014 through improved design, superior optimization, and a laser-like approach to energy efficiency. With a chip 31.7 times more energy efficient than its 2014 predecessor, AMD has far exceeded efficiency gains in the real world, which would be expected from the traditional pace of Moore’s Law, as embodied in Koomey’s Law. “

Tagged with AMD, AMD Ryzen, Ryzen 4000