Amazon’s Twitch Prime is now Prime Gaming, getting more free content

Twitch Prime, a service included with every Amazon Prime subscription, gets a rebrand. Today launched Amazon Prime Gaming, which will replace Twitch Prime in advance and offer even more free gaming content for Amazon Prime members.

Twitch Prime has been one of the more overrated sources for free games and loot every month compared to subscriptions like PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold, despite the fact that each of Amazon’s 150 million + Prime subscribers has access to it. Since 2016, Twitch Prime has been offering free in-game loot, free PC games, and a free subscription to Twitch channels every month. Amazon has increased its offerings in recent months, and has partnered with publishers such as Rockstar and Riot to offer exclusive in-game items for major titles such as Grand Theft Auto Online and League of Legends. The number of free games has also grown exponentially, with more than 20 games on this grip for this month, including SNK arcade classics such as Metal Slug 2 and SNK 40th Anniversary Collection.

With Prime Gaming, Amazon aims to grow the catalog of freebies and collaborate with major publishers to provide free content. While the free lot of Prime Gaming can be claimed across all gaming platforms, including next-generation consoles as they launch, the free indie games will still only be available to claim on PC for now, Amazon said in a press release.

The name change is largely a rebranding to make the benefits clearer for existing Prime members and leaves Prime Gaming sitting neatly next to other pillars of Prime membership, including Prime Video, Prime Reading, and Amazon Music. But Prime Gaming will also make it easier to take advantage of these benefits – in advance, you will be able to claim your free games and get paid directly at Amazon. Some free content temptations require you to link to a third-party account, such as EA or Rockstar, but Amazon simplifies the process by no longer requiring members to link to their Twitch account as well. With Prime Gaming, only your Amazon Prime account and specific gaming account need to be linked.

A Amazon Prime membership costs $ 119 / year (or $ 13 per month). On top of the benefits of Prime Gaming, you get free two-day shipping on many Amazon products, and sometimes even one-day or same-day shipping, depending on where you live. You also get free release-date shipping on selected games and other pre-ordered items. Plus, the membership unlocks unlimited access to Prime Video, Prime Music, and many other benefits. Fortunately, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial to try out Prime if you’re interested.

The free offers from Prime Gaming for August 2020 are now available – check out all the free games and try to pack this month.

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Spilet no: Wêrom Upload op Amazon Prime is in must-watch