Amazon satellites add to the worries about astronomers over the night sky

Welcome to the age of the satellite’s mega constellation. Within the next few years, large networks, containing hundreds or even thousands of spacecraft, could reshape the future of the Earth’s environmental environment.

Much of the attention on these satellite strings has been placed on the productive launches of SpaceX and OneWeb, but the focus is now shifting to Amazon. Last month, the Federal Communications Commission approved a request from the online market to launch its Project Kuiper constellation, which, like SpaceX’s Starlink and OneWeb’s network, aims to expand high-speed Internet services to customers around the world. , including to remote communities as implicitly hobbled by an ongoing digital divide.

The Kuiper constellation would consist of 3,236 satellites. That is more than the approximately 2,600 active satellites already orbiting the Earth. Although Amazon’s hardware is a long way from the launch pad, SpaceX has already deployed hundreds of satellites in its Starlink constellation, including 57 additional satellites that launched it on Friday. It can expand it to 12,000, or more. Facebook and Telesat were also able to enter the internet constellation business.

The rapid influx of satellites into a low-Earth orbit has been driven by professional and amateur astronomers. Starlink satellites are notorious for ‘photobombing’ astronomical images with bright streaks, which damage the quality and reduce the volume of data that scientists collect for research. While SpaceX plans to reduce the effects of its launches on astronomical observations, scientists and hobbyists in the community are concerned about the lack of regulation of constellations as more occupants like Project Kuiper take part in the action.

“We do not yet have any kind of industry guidelines,” said Michele Bannister, a planetary astronomer at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. “We do not have a corporate body that produces good corporate citizenship on the part of all these enthusiastic companies that want to launch, and we do not have a regulatory set up in place that gives clear guidelines back to the sector.”

She added, “For me, honestly, it feels like setting up a heap of planes and then having no air traffic control.”

Since the first group of Starlink satellites launched in May 2019, many skywatchers have covered their bright reflective glow. The light pollution is particularly pronounced when the satellites are deployed and towards their operational orbits. At this point, they are perfectly positioned to receive sunlight at dawn and dusk, staring astrophotos and telescope observations. Starlink needs to be constantly replenished with new satellites, so these trawls will be an ongoing problem.

“Most observers on the ground are actually beginning at dusk,” said Julien H. Girard, a research scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. “We are starting to take data, even when the air is not completely dark, especially at near-infrared and infrared wavelengths.”

The satellites create perhaps the most problems for observations for wide fields that explore vast regions of the night sky at the same time. The movement of satellites through the frame can obstruct observation objectives or overwhelm them with light. Astronomers can use software to remove satellite paths to some extent, but this may not completely repair the images.

“There is no doubt that the astronomical community can still do science with the presence of these constellations, but it is a burden,” said Drs. Girard.

The light pollution could mess with our view of countless tantalizing astronomical goals. For example, scientists are beginning to discover interstellar objects in our own solar system, such as Oumuamua, an early elongated rock that was detected in 2017 and comes from an unknown galaxy, or Comet Borisov, which was recently detected.

Megaconstellations are uniquely positioned to interfere with detections of these cosmic wanderers. “One of the most important time of discovery for interstellar objects is during that period of the sky near astronomical twilight, such as dawn and dusk, and that is when these satellites have their greatest impact,” said Dr. Bannister.

So far, astronomers have focused most of their attention on Starlink, as SpaceX was the first company to launch large-scale satellite satellites. The constellation of OneWeb poses another set of problems for radio astronomers because of the height of its orbit. The future is uncertain, since the bankruptcy was declared and talks on purchase began.

But now that Amazon has the approval of the FCC, the Starlink satellite company will have both in the job and in the discussion about the effects of these networks on astronomy.

“Kuiper could easily have had as much impact on both optical and radio astronomy as other satellite constellations,” said Jeff Hall, director of the Lowell Observatory in Arizona and chairman of the American Committee for Light Pollution.

The Amazon constellation will have far fewer satellites compared to Starlink, but its array will be deployed in three orbits, all higher in height than SpaceX’s network.

“Some of these higher orbits appear to be actually more problematic for astronomical imaging, because they will in principle be longer visible,” said Drs. Bannister, although it is not clear how the light pollution of these constellations will compare.

“Companies are not publishing what reflectance their satellites will have, so it’s difficult to model,” she said.

As the number of satellites spirals upwards, so does the risk of accidents. Collisions between satellites add to dangerous orbital debris. Imagine that all the broken glass and sticky detritus from a car wreck moving at high speeds above the highway requires cars to pass through it. That’s how the orbital orbits in space work, so it’s going to be essential that space travel protocols be able to keep up with these mechanics to prevent clips and crashes.

Though there was one alarming incident in which an Earth observation spacecraft operated by the European Space Agency had to fire its thrusters to evade a Starlink satellite. A dust-up between the spacecraft was uncertain, but the trajectories were sufficient for a threat that ESA decided the maneuver was necessary. These meetings can become more frequent as thousands of additional satellites take to the air.

“If this is what we just got in the testing phase of these mega constellations, what will it be like when we have 5,000 of these, what is it that we predict we will launch in the next few years?” Dr. Bannister said.

While these concerns have been raised, there is no other obvious way to stop, or slow down, the development of these mega-constellations.

“One of the things I find most problematic is that there is no legal prevention, or legal protection, for the night sky,” said Chris Newman, professor of space law and policy at the Northumbria University in the United Kingdom.

With hundreds of Starlink and OneWeb satellites already launched, and thousands more expected in the coming years, astronomers are feeling mixed pressure to find a workable compromise with the companies. Decisions made now can affect the air for decades.

For the moment, that means hashing out a vision of a safe and clear night sky that would rely on voluntary mechanisms.

In response to concerns about light pollution, SpaceX is experimenting with dark coatings and sunshades for its Starlink satellites.

Representatives of Amazon and SpaceX, as well as a former consultant with OneWeb, attended a recent workshop called Satellite Constellations 1, organized by the AAS and the National Science Foundation, according to Drs. Hall. A report summarizing the results and recommendations of the workshop will be made public in a few weeks. But Amazon has already expressed a desire to work with astronomers.

“Reflectivity is an important consideration in our design and development process, and we are working with members of the astronomy community to better understand their concerns and identify steps we can take to minimize our impact,” said a spokesman for Amazon. “We will have more to share as we release extra detail about our plans for the project.”

But many astronomers, and advocates of dark skies, are seeking a robust regulatory approach to these issues.

“I think the only real way this, going forward, this is going to develop is if national regulators are part of the licensing process that satellite companies that set up constellations take into account the needs of ground-based astronomy,” Drs. Said Newman. “I think that’s quite possible, and I do not think that that requires too much accommodation by companies.”

Of course, the night sky is not only a resource for professional astronomers. Through generations and cultures, people have watched the sunset to seek comfort, meaning and perspective from the stars. Widening internet access all over the world has an obvious public benefit, but so does the preservation of clear skies and bright stars.

“We’re talking about changing something that’s being shared across the planet,” said Drs. Bannister.

“This is environmental impact,” she added. “This is something we know how to discuss and regulate in all other spheres of business activity. Why should this be otherwise? ”