Amazon is officially canceling ‘Crucible’ this November

(Photo: Amazon)

Amazon has officially stopped working on its multiplayer multiplayer game on Crucible.

Developer Relentless Studios “Ultimate Crucible Developer Update.” Went to the official crucible website with a statement on the issue with the title.

After much deliberation, the team finally came to the conclusion that they had “not seen a healthy, sustainable future beyond the crucible.”

Instead of continuing to work on the crucible, the development team will focus on Amazon’s MMO New World. There is also a series of additional titles to the team’s plan to deal with other projects going forward.

For players in the closed beta that Crucible rolled back earlier this year, the game will still be worth playing for a while. In fact, the developers will be working on a “final playtest and community celebration” in the next few weeks. No date yet in mind for Platest, so if you’re looking to get as crucible as possible now, you’ll want to log in as much as possible by November. Custom games will be available on November 9 until 3 p.m.

Players can now request a full refund or any crucible-related purchase. In-game purchases have also been disabled going forward. Amazon has posted official instructions on its official crucible page requesting a refund.

The Crucible suffers from a variety of issues since its initial announcement in 2016. It underwent various changes before finally making its debut on Steam in early 2020. However, it did come out with many of the features that Wild initially announced, such as being able to integrate with the streaming platform Twitch.

Amazon will likely focus resources on the aforementioned New World as well as cloud gaming services Luna, which is going to move to PC, M, C, iPhone and Android in the near future – although there is no confirmation date yet.

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