Alex Trebek clarifies comments on stopping cancer treatment

“Danger!” Host Alex Trebek clarified a statement from his recent memory in which he wrote that he would consider giving up his cancer treatment if it stopped working.

“I feel the need to clarify my quote that if my cancer treatment course does not continue to work, I would consider discontinuing treatment,” Trebek said in a statement posted on official social media accounts “Danger!” On Wednesday. “That quote from the book was written BEFORE my current regimen, and I was going through bad times.”

Trebek, who revealed that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in 2019, added that his “current numbers” are “very good” thanks to an immunotherapy program he has been following, but that if his current treatment “stops succeed”. he would return to his previous chemotherapy treatment, “DO NOT stop all treatment.”

Trebek was referring to numbers CA 19-9. The amount of this protein in a patient’s blood is an indicator of how their pancreatic cancer is progressing, according to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

“I apologize for any confusion and I want everyone to know that I am optimistic about my current plan and I appreciate their concerns,” Trebek said.

In his memoir “The Answer is …”, which was released on Tuesday, “Danger!” The host wrote that he planned to “comply with this current protocol” and that if it did not work “he would probably discontinue treatment.”

Trebek also remembers announcing this decision to his family, stating that difficult conversations occurred.

“It was not an easy conversation, and it is not easier to write these words,” Trebek wrote in the memoirs. “Quality of life was an important consideration.”

Since revealing his diagnosis, Trebek has worked to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer. In October, he released a 60-second public service announcement in support of the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition detailing the risks and symptoms of the disease, which may include new-onset diabetes, unexplained weight loss, coloration yellowing of the skin or pain in the eyes and middle back.