Alabama’s US Space and Rocket Center May Close Forever Unless It Raises $ 1.5 Million in Next 3 Months

The museum in Huntsville, Alabama, which houses the legendary Saturn V rocket, is usually the highest-paid tourist attraction in the state. But since the pandemic began, it has lost two-thirds of its income, according to a press release.

“We are now fighting for our own survival,” John Nerger, chairman of the Alabama Space and Science Exhibition Commission, said at a press conference Tuesday.

If the center closes, so too would its beloved Space Camp, which has allowed both children and adults around the world to experience what it is to be an astronaut.

The US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, may be forced to close.
To prevent this from happening, officials announced the “Save Space Camp” campaign with the goal of raising $ 1.5 million in donations to keep the museum open last October and to reopen Space Camp next April.
And donations have already been coming. As of Wednesday afternoon, the GoFundMe has raised over $ 366,000, and people comment on how much the center and Space Camp mean to them and their families.

“The summer I spent at Space Academy in the late 1990s was a life-changing experience. Please save the space camp! We need more programs like this for young people, more than ever. I am always grateful for the opportunity, and I hope you can continue to inspire the children of America, “one person commented.

Another proud Space Camp student? Brooke Baldwin from CNN.

“I was a child from space camp in 1993. I begged and begged and begged my parents to send me here to Huntsville, Alabama, and I was able to live my dream,” said Baldwin in 2018 when he had the opportunity to return.

“I think at the end of the day, it’s about these children and their beliefs. The space camp believes in them,” he added.

Since its launch in 1982, Space Camp has been served by nearly a million people from more than 150 countries. It has inspired hundreds of thousands of successful careers in the aerospace, engineering, science, education and other fields, organizers said in the press release. 10 students from Space Camp have even become true astronauts.
