UK scientists want to add vitamin D to bread and milk to combat Covid-19. This is why.


Fortifying milk with vitamin D may help prevent nutritional deficiencies and play a role in preventing viral infections, experts say

Tim Boyle / Getty Images

  • A group of researchers in the UK is calling for vitamin D to be added to common foods like bread and milk to help fight the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Up to 50% of UK residents are deficient in vitamin D, research shows, and there is evidence that getting enough of the nutrient can help prevent a serious viral infection.
  • In countries like the United States, Canada, and Finland, milk is already fortified with vitamin D, but many people are still not getting the full recommended amount for optimal health.
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A group of researchers in the UK is calling on the government to encourage vitamin D supplementation in common grocery items like bread and milk, citing evidence that the nutrient may help fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Gareth Davies, an independent medical researcher, is among a group of scientists who have been researching the role of vitamin D in preventing Covid-19 for months and are now urging officials to take action, The Guardian reported .

The UK is currently facing a second round of lockdowns and a growing number of infections. Up to half of all UK residents may be deficient in vitamin D, and research suggests that vitamin D deficiency could be a factor in severe cases of Covid-19.

The human body produces vitamin D naturally in response to sunlight, and it is also found naturally in foods such as fatty fish and egg yolks. Countries like the US already fortify milk and similar products with vitamin D, and residents of those nations get a substantial amount of the nutrient from fortified foods.

But many people could still benefit from supplementation, experts say. Davies previously recommended that each adult get 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day, 10 times the current dose recommended by health officials.

Ample evidence links adequate vitamin D to better coronavirus outcomes

Davies led earlier research, published as a preprint in June, that found that getting enough vitamin D could significantly improve Covid-19 outcomes, particularly in vulnerable groups like the elderly.

Since then, there have been even more studies that support the theory that vitamin D could be beneficial against the virus.

A small study published last month found that coronavirus patients who received a highly potent form of vitamin D were significantly less likely to need intensive care, and none of them died. That indicates that the nutrient could reduce the severity of Covid-19 infection and reduce the risk of complications, the researchers said.

Multiple studies have found an association between vitamin D levels and Covid-19 results, although they did not establish a causal link.

A study published in September found that patients with enough vitamin D were significantly less likely to face dangerous complications from the virus, such as shortness of breath or loss of consciousness. And another small study found that people with vitamin D deficiency were twice as likely to become infected in the first place.

While this growing body of evidence is promising, more research is needed to better understand how vitamin D might play a role in preventing infections or helping to cure patients.

At least one study found no apparent connection between the nutrient and the virus. It is well documented that large doses of vitamin D are not a panacea for this or any other disease and, in fact, can have serious side effects.

Countries like the US, which fortify milk, still get less vitamin D than recommended

Research has also shown that vitamin D deficiency is a global problem that can cause serious health problems, including weakened bones and a weakened immune system.

As researchers like Davies have said, fortifying common foods like milk and bread can help.

In countries that already fortify milk, including the United States, Canada and Finland, residents get a significant amount of their daily vitamin D from these products, according to research.

In the US, almost all commercial milk is fortified with vitamin D and has been since the 1930s. Still, even many Americans don’t get enough vitamin D, according to the data.

That has prompted US health officials, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to recommend vitamin D supplementation, especially in the winter, when fewer people spend time outdoors. free in the sun.

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