Twin sisters, a nurse in Southampton, two of the last to die of coronavirus | World News


The twin sisters, one of whom was a nurse, are among the latest victims to die of coronavirus.

Children’s nurse Katy Davis, 37, died at Southampton General Hospital on Tuesday. On Friday, her twin sister, Emma, ​​died in the same hospital.

Her sister Zoe told the BBC: “They always said that they had come into the world together and that they would also go out together.”

Zoe Davis said the “amazing” couple, who lived together, had underlying health problems and had been in a bad state for some time.

Katy is the latest of more than 100 British health workers to have died from coronavirus.

Paula Head, executive director of Southampton University Hospital, said: “Katy has been described by her colleagues where she worked in child health as a nurse that people would aspire to be, and that nursing was more than a job for her. On behalf of everyone here at UHS, including our patients and the communities we serve, I would like to offer our sincere condolences to your family. “

Among some of the other recent victims is a former member of the British National Party who found Islam and spent the last decade of his life as a respected social worker.

Muhammad Islam, who grew up in Gateshead in the 1960s as John Ord, died Thursday after hiring Covid-19. In 2005, he told The Guardian how he had joined the BNP at age 16. He became a Muslim after stumbling upon a copy of the Koran in 1989. He changed his name and settled in Birmingham, married a Pakistani-born primary school teacher, and began a bachelor’s degree in social work.

Since 2010, she has worked for the Birmingham Children’s Trust, helping young people drop out of care. Its CEO, Andy Couldrick, said he died after suffering from Covid-19 for a few weeks. He said, “Muhammad was a highly respected, loved, and highly valued member of our neglect team that supported many young people in Birmingham.”

Ruth Allen, executive director of the British Association of Social Workers, said: “Social workers continue to work tirelessly, knocking on doors, delivering vital services in communities.”

The death of an 88-year-old woman in South Wales highlights the lack of protection against the virus in hospices, according to her family.

John Hunt suspects that his mother, Elsie Hunt, contracted the virus in hospice before she died earlier this month at Singleton Hospital, Swansea.

He said: “Already seriously ill, Covid-19 stole her family’s comfort in her last days. In the hospice, no one wore masks. Even when Mom developed a classic dry cough and fever, and was transferred to a single room, the staff only wore simple paper masks and had no eye protection. “

He said he could see his mother in her last days through FaceTime.
