Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson’s blood is used to help develop the coronavirus vaccine


Hollywood legend Tom Hanks revealed that he and his singing wife, Rita Wilson, volunteered to give their blood and plasma to the coronavirus investigation.

The Oscar-winning actor, 63, said his blood will be used to help develop a vaccine, adding that he recently learned that [Tom and his wife Rita] They had antibodies from their battle with the dangerous insect last month in Australia.

“Many of the questions [are] What do we do now? Can we do something? And in fact, we just found out that we carry the antibodies, “Hanks said.

“They have not only contacted us, we have said: ‘Do you want our blood? Can we give plasma?’ And, in fact, we will now give it to the places that expect to work on what I would like to call the Hank-ccine, “said the actor on the NPR podcast” Wait, wait … don’t tell me! “

He was referring to antibodies developed by individuals who have successfully fought the virus, and are currently being studied in hopes of using them to create a vaccine.

“We will give [blood] now to the places they expect to work, what I would like to call, Hank-ccine, “he joked.

The couple was diagnosed with COVID-19 in early March while Hanks was filming Baz Luhrmann’s biopic Elvis Presley starring Austin Butler in Australia. The actor said in another interview last week that the couple still don’t know how they contracted the coronavirus.
