The Kiffness tries to make a comparison between Adolf Hitler and Julius Malema


By Entertainment Reporter Article publication time2h ago

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David Scott, aka The Kiffness, jumped on the Democratic Alliance (DA) bandwagon by making a comparison between economic freedom fighters (EFF) and the Nazis.

On his YouTube channel, the “White Privilege” composer decided to use audio from a TED-Ed video titled “How did Hitler come to power?” by Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard on images from Julius Malema and the EFF.

He begins the video using a tweet from DA that reads: “The Nazis had the brown shirts that terrorized minorities. South Africa has the red jerseys. #BrackenfellHigh ”.

And while he says that people should make their own decisions about the video, he also says that “it’s actually pretty scary how similar the parallels are … we can learn from history and make sure history doesn’t repeat itself here in South Africa. , peace. “

In the video, Scott tries to draw a comparison between the history of South Africa and the birth of the EFF in contrast to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. He uses the disruption caused by the political party in Parliament, the Clicks racism incident and the Senekal confrontation as comparisons to Hitler and the rise to power of the Nazis.

The video ends with a quote from Martin Luther King Jr, saying: “We must learn to live as brothers or perish together as fools.”

Tweeps criticized Scott’s attempt to compare the EFF commander-in-chief to Hitler.

“Trust a white South African to try to ‘explore parallels’ between a black man who leads a party that wants free education and land reform in his country and a wyt who leads a mass extinction of millions of people,” @Titanbaddie said.

“Not only his music is questionable but his political views as well,” @idkron_ commented.

“Reach out. Massive reach,” @__Thato__ said.

“Malema wants decolonization and they are comparing him to a literal fascist. You niggas are so sick, “@RipeAir commented.

“White liberals are actually more annoying sometimes, hey,” @Nonxthefeminist said.
