The health department will recommend that the blocking restrictions on travel, the sale of alcoholic beverages and the curfew be eased


  • Health Minister Zweli Mkhize says his department will recommend loosening the lockdown restrictions further.
  • This is due to the decrease in the number of Covid-19 cases reported across the country.
  • Mkhize says that a high level of immunity may already exist in South Africa.

Health Minister Zweli Mkhize said his department would make recommendations to the cabinet to ease lockdown restrictions, such as those related to curfew, alcohol sales, religious gatherings and travel.

In a statement late Monday, Mkhize said the number of cases detected across the country continued to decline.

“Since August 22, we have reported fewer than 3,000 cases per day; at the height of the epidemic in July, we would report 10,000-15,000 cases per day. Supporting this decline is also a demonstrable decrease in people under investigation, general room admissions, ICU admissions, deaths and excess deaths ”, said the minister.

“The consistency between these indicators assures us that we are, in fact, in the midst of a depression in the pandemic.”

Mkhize said the department previously committed to reviewing the restrictions periodically while reassessing the status of the South African epidemic.

READ | Latest Covid-19 numbers: 15,499 deaths, 650,749 cases and a recovery rate of 88.9%

“And this is indeed what we have done. Having observed evidence suggesting a sustained decrease in the transmission of the coronavirus, such as the Department of Health, we have considered easing restrictions on various aspects, such as the curfew, the sale of alcohol , Religious Gatherings and Travel Restrictions – to the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), which will make final recommendations to Cabinet.

“Regardless of the decisions that are made, it is important to emphasize that the risk of spreading and contracting Covid-19 still remains and that non-pharmaceutical interventions remain important as we learn to coexist with the coronavirus,” Mkhize added.

By Monday, the department had recorded a cumulative total of 650,749 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in South Africa, with 579,289 recoveries and 15,499 deaths.

NICD analysis – case management

Mkhize said that the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) COVID-19 Surveillance report in selected hospitals September 11, described analyzes of data collected from 459 public and private facilities nationwide.

“This report shows a clear change in the behavior of the epidemic with downward trends in admissions and deaths in general wards and ICU. In total, 66,515 patients were studied with 4,314 currently admitted. The rate of hospital discharge was 75% while in -Hospital fatality rate was 17.5%. The median age for admissions was between 50 and 59 and the average age for deaths was between 60 and 69. At the height of the epidemic, these sample hospitals reported between 6,400 and 6,800 admissions per week, “Mkhize said.

WHO analysis

“South Africa has benefited significantly from the contributions of the World Health Organization (WHO) emergency team that has come to strengthen our team in the response to the Covid-19 pandemic,” added Mkhize.

“The WHO emergency team released a situation report on September 10, reflecting week 37 of our epidemic, confirming the decline as reported by [the] NICD. This report showed a 42% decrease in detected cases in the previous two weeks and a 28.9% decrease in deaths in the same period.

“Admissions to intensive care wards increased by 13.9% during this epidemic week, but conversely, admissions to general wards decreased by 43% in the same period. The mean test positivity rate it was 9.8%, compared with 11.4% in the previous week. “

Bed occupancy and oxygen demand decrease

Bed occupancy and oxygen demand are also declining, according to Mkhize.

The percentage of beds occupied by Covid-19 patients nationwide is less than 10% for non-ICU beds and less than 30% for ICU beds.

“The benefit that we have seen during this period is that there has been a greater acquisition of fans with 5,444 purchased or received through donations and 2,848 awaiting delivery. This has helped us improve our facilities as fans were in short supply. and there would have been a delay in providing the required medical care to the patients who needed it most.

“It also led us in the direction of increasing local manufacturing capacity, resulting in South Africa manufacturing fans for the first time in history.”

The minister said that 20,000 fans are expected to be produced through the National Fan Project.

“We also have reports from Afrox, which indicate that oxygen demand has decreased nationwide in recent weeks.”

Without PPE, there is no work!

The protection of front-line workers in the healthcare sector remains of the utmost importance, Mkhize said.

“We reiterate: without PPE (personal protective equipment), there is no work! We continue to track the number of healthcare workers who are infected in each province. Our system now has a direct link with the PERSAL system, so any worker of health that is diagnosed Covid-19 is identified immediately.

“As of September 11, a cumulative total of 32,429 healthcare workers had been detected with the coronavirus. Sadly, 257 succumbed to Covid-19. We convey our condolences to all loved ones of the deceased and thank the colleagues who cared for our heroes in their last hours, “said Mkhize.

Mkhize said he was pleased that occupational health and safety (OHS) committees were established in 3,849 public health facilities.

“According to the previous directive, union members must be represented in all these structures. This will help in the constant monitoring of problems that affect health workers, even where there are [a] EPP shortage “.

Non-compliance with the PPE acquisition processes

“We note with concern the Auditor General’s findings, which include that there were deficiencies and non-compliance with the PPE procurement processes, insufficient controls to ensure receipt and payments of PPE and the quality level of PPE, delays in the delivery of PPE, as well as evidence of price increases and [a] failure to purchase EPI at market prices. This cannot be accepted. This must be condemned and, once all the investigations are concluded, there must be a management of consequences for any official who may be involved in irregularities or irregularities, ”warned Mkhize.

Reconfiguration of the Ministerial Advisory Committee

With the changing pattern of the pandemic, it has become necessary to reconfigure the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) on Covid-19, the minister said.

“The new MAC will take into account the need for the inclusion of social and behavioral scientists, among other factors.

“In addition to the multi-sector MAC that focuses on community mobilization, another MAC has been created to focus on the development of the coronavirus vaccine (MAC in the vaccine). This MAC will advise us on all matters related to development and implementation of the coronavirus vaccine, from monitoring and reporting on the progress of our candidate studies, to advising on our purchase options and our ability to potentially manufacture vaccines in the future. This will ensure that the Department of Health and the government are aware of all critical international developments related to the vaccine, “Mkhize said.

The new committee will be chaired by Professor Barry Schoub, an expert in vaccinology and virology.

A high level of immunity may already exist in South Africa

According to Mkhize, South Africa has seen the surge decline, raising the question of the level of immunity that may already exist in society.

“Initial seroprevalence studies of convenience samples have shown seroprevalence of between 29% and 40%. Interestingly, currently reviewed models predict that there are probably around 12 million South Africans in total (detected and undetected) infected with the coronavirus, this translates to approximately 20% of the population.

“We are currently embarking on a national seroprevalence study that should bring us closer to the true seroprevalence of coronavirus antibodies and will give us a more accurate indication of our national immunity status. Once the national study is complete, we will communicate those results. for the public.

Stay safe

“Without a doubt, a major factor contributing to the decline we are witnessing in coronavirus transmission is the actions of ordinary South Africans who continue to adhere to non-pharmaceutical interventions. This nation has shown that with concerted effort and solidarity, it is possible Defeat the coronavirus, “said the minister.

“However, I must continue to advise caution as we move toward the new normal: if we want to maintain this status quo of low transmission rates, we must continue to focus on the simple things that keep the coronavirus at bay: washing or sanitizing our hands.” at every opportunity, maintaining a safe distance between us, periodic cleaning and disinfection of the surfaces with which we come in contact, and wearing masks whenever we are in public spaces.

“The threat of a resurgence that could be more devastating than the first wave of infections remains very real. We must always remember this. Most importantly, we must encourage and remind each other that these simple interventions remain an important part of our new lives, “Mkhize said.
