Stolen Fidelity base, undisclosed amount of stolen cash


Police launched a 72-hour activation plan after a cash robbery at a Gauteng Loyalty Guard base on Saturday morning.

Police launched a 72-hour activation plan after a cash robbery at a Gauteng Loyalty Guard base on Saturday morning.

Police are on the hunt for armed robbers involved in a daring cash robbery at a Fidelity guard base in Pretoria Saturday morning.

The gang ran away with an undisclosed amount of cash during the heist on Van Riebeeck Road, Hermanstad.

“A group of armed men, dressed in what appeared to be [be Fidelity] In uniform and ski masks, they entered the premises, pointed at the guards at gunpoint and assaulted some employees before stealing an undisclosed amount of money, “according to the spokesman for the national police, Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo.

National Police Commissioner General Khehla John Sitole has ordered a 72-hour activation plan to be mobilized.

“Various disciplines of the South African Police Service, including forensic and criminal intelligence experts, as well as the Hawks, who are part of the activation plan, are currently at the crime scene conducting preliminary investigations,” Naidoo said.

“Members of the Fidelity group’s top management are also on the scene assisting detectives as they attempt to determine the extent of the loss incurred.”

Fidelity’s comments will be added once received.

Anyone with more information can call Crime Stop on 08600 10111. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

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