SIU Weapons for Correctional Services on Covid PPE Tenders


The CFO of the Correctional Services Department, Nick Ligege, is under investigation by the SIU for allegedly awarding tenders for PPE worth more than 50 million rand to 23 companies linked “to (their) friends and family.”

This was revealed in parliament Tuesday by SIU’s top advocate, Andy Mothibi, and his team during a meeting with the legislature’s public accounts committee (Scopa).

Mothibi and his team told MPs that they had received the accusations against Ligege in August and immediately began the investigation against him.

Ligege could not be reached for comment at time of publication and their reaction will be included in this article once received.

The SIU, along with other law enforcement agencies like the Hawks, the National Tax Authority, and the Center for Financial Intelligence, briefed Scopa on the progress they were making in the battle against Covid-19 corruption.

The head of the Hawks, Lt. Gen. Godfrey Lebeya, reported that they would make an arrest related to Covid-19 corruption on Thursday.

Mothibi also told MPs that SIU had approached the Special Court to declare invalid the PPE R139m contract between Ledla, Royal Bhaca and the Gauteng health department.
