Rich countries that buy Covid-19 vaccines in bulk pose a threat to the rest of us


Beyond the top five vaccine candidates, the reported vaccine deals also reveal stark inequalities between countries.

The UK government has managed to secure agreements on several leading vaccine candidates, equivalent to five doses per capita. In contrast, Oxfam’s analysis reveals that Bangladesh has so far only obtained one dose for every nine people.

The NGO has called for a non-profit vaccine that is freely available to all and is distributed fairly as needed.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is one of 140 leaders around the world who have called for Covid-19 vaccines, treatments, and tests to be patent-free, mass-produced, fairly distributed, and available to all. people.

Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS Executive Director and UN Under Secretary-General, said that the HIV / AIDS movement has seen in the past how corporations used monopolies to “artificially restrict the supply of life-saving drugs and inflate their prices.”

He called for a new approach that puts public health first by sharing knowledge and maximizing supply. “Anything other than that will cause more deaths and economic chaos, leading to millions destitute,” he warned.

