Ramadan at the time of the coronavirus is unprecedented, says MJC


The holy month of Ramadan at the time of the coronavirus will be unprecedented, the Muslim Judicial Council said on Thursday.

The moon was not seen in the country on Thursday night, guaranteeing it will start on Saturday in South Africa.

Moulana Abdul Khaliq Ebrahim Allie told News24 on Thursday that the priority was for everyone to respect the closure regulations, which was in the interest of the safety of all South Africans.

This meant that the Muslim community could not congregate in the various mosques to respect physical estrangement.

“This is very painful; your absence will be felt,” Allie said. “But we are encouraging collective prayer at home.”

READ | Moon without sighting, Ramadan will start on Saturday in South Africa

Charity and outreach associated with the holy month would also be affected, as regular sharing with the broader community and the homeless would not be possible under the closing regulations, he added.

Allie urged Muslims to contact humanitarian organizations that operate on permits to help reach those in need.

The obligatory fast would continue normally, he said, but concessions would be made for the sick and the elderly, among others.

Muslims from around the world prepare to celebrate
A Muslim cleric sits on a bench on the generally popular and crowded Sea Point Promenade in Cape Town before joining a small group of (not visible) clergymen gathering to watch the crescent moon. Image: AFP

WHO guidelines during Ramadan

According to the guide published by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the safe practices of Ramadan, there have been no studies on fasting and the risk of Covid-19 infection.

“Healthy people should be able to fast during this Ramadan as in previous years, while Covid-19 patients may consider religious licenses to break the fast in consultation with their doctors, as they would with any other disease.”

Wudu, or ritual ablutions performed by Muslims, helped maintain healthy hygiene, the WHO said.

ALSO READ | Muslim groups to challenge blocking regulations in court

Tobacco use was not advisable under any circumstances, the organization warned, especially during Ramadan and the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Frequent smokers may already have lung disease or reduced lung capacity, greatly increasing the risk of severe Covid-19 disease. Smoking cigarettes, fingers [and possibly contaminated cigarettes] touch the lips, which increases the likelihood of the virus entering the respiratory system.

“When hookahs are used, nozzles and hoses are likely to be shared, which also facilitates virus transmission.”

It also encouraged the promotion of mental and psychosocial health.

“Despite the different execution in practices this year, it is important to assure the faithful that they can still reflect, improve, pray, share and care, all from a healthy distance,” said the WHO.

“It is necessary to keep in mind that family, friends and the elderly are still involved in light of physical distancing; it is essential to encourage alternative and digital platforms for interaction. Offer special prayers for the sick, along with messages of hope and comfort They are methods of observing Ramadan tenants while maintaining public health. “
