Mom who lost her 3 children in a horror taxi accident will spend Christmas helping feed the poor


“I have not managed too well. All I do is keep the faith and ask God to give me all the strength I need to face each day. It has been the most difficult time for me, I must say, especially after celebrating my birthday in December without them and without them returning home with their reports.

“I fight internal battles on a daily basis, but I still manage to smile despite all the pain. I will get over it and raise a smile for the day, as I know they would want us to celebrate in their memory, ”Goodall said.

In honor of her children, Goodall registered the LLA Foundation, named for the initials of her children’s names, in August of this year.

The goal of the foundation is to raise and care for less fortunate children. It also aims to protect the rights of children, including the right to education, health, water and a nutritious diet.

The foundation also helps safe homes, homes for the disabled, and schools in communities with essential basic needs.

This year he will team up with nonprofits to feed 500 less fortunate people in Eldorado Park, Klipspruit, Kliptown, Freedom Park and Slovo Park on Christmas Day.

“Many people have lost their jobs this year or some cannot even afford a plate of food for their families, so we want to feed as many people as we can and try to make a difference.

“I pray that God will give me all the strength to live the first Christmas without my children,” Goodall said.

