A 32-year-old man from Wolseley, Siyamnkela Sobambela, accused of killing three women in rural Western Cape town, has been described as a quiet person who reserved himself but was often in the company of young girls.
Sobambela appeared in Wolseley Magistrates Court Tuesday after he was arrested dragging the body of a 20-year-old woman in an open field in the informal Pine Valley settlement Saturday night.
Following their arrest, police made another gruesome discovery in the same area on Sunday: They were alerted to a shallow grave, leading to the discovery of a woman’s body. Later another shallow grave was discovered.
National Tax Authority spokesman Eric Ntabazalila said more charges are likely to be added as the investigation continues. The Sobambela affair was postponed until December 9 for further investigation, while he remains in detention.
Karriem Adams, deputy mayor of Witzenberg Township, in which Wolseley falls, said the three murders had left the small town “shocked.”
“Never before has this city experienced anything like this. It’s unheard of at Wolseley, ”he said.