Lockdown ‘the social bubble of 10 family and friends should last until 2021’


An infection expert believes that large indoor events should be banned until 2021, after reports that the government may allow ‘social bubbles’ for just ten family and friends.

Adam Kucharski, an associate professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, says the coronavirus could spread rapidly if the blockage ends too soon.

The chief epidemiologist said infection rates could increase significantly if people celebrate reduced social distancing by joining together in large groups.

Her research team found that the average infection rate for a coronavirus carrier in a typical social setting is three people.

Dr. Adam Kucharski warned that Britain could face “exponential growth” in the Covid-19 cases

However, when large groups are in poorly ventilated indoor spaces, that number triples, the Mirror writes.

Dr. Kucharski told the Sunday Times: “Look where these super-extended events happen, it’s often at family reunions and meals and weddings and parties and all of these things that we socially want to happen.

“As soon as the measures are lifted, we run the risk of going back to where we started and facing exponential growth.”

The associate professor said that events with 10 to 30 people were regularly reported, with about 10 people regularly infected by one person.

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His suggestion to the government is that social restrictions remain in effect until at least next year, which means that the Christmas period would be different from the average year.

Yesterday, the government offered clues as to when different parts of British life could go back to work.

Pubs will be the last places to reopen as the closure eases, the government confirmed.

But some local cricket and grassroots football could return, as long as spectators can stay outdoors.

Boris Johnson at the first daily briefing since March 25

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jenny Harries said: “Outdoor environments are safer. But if you go with a lot of friends and sit in a pub … that’s not a good thing. “

Boris Johnson is expected to reveal a roadmap on Thursday on how to end the blockade. But you will avoid committing to date.

The moment depends on the “R”, or reproduction rate, of the virus, which must be less than one, with infections that fall continuously.

Robert Jenrick, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, added: “We have been thinking about different environments: the workplace, public transport, schools, the outdoors. But the time is not yet.

Schools will be the first to return, with a gradual return. Ministers hope it will be before the summer break.
