Jennifer Aniston reconciles with father after he abandoned her as a child


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Jennifer Aniston and her father reunited again

Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston had a difficult childhood due to the abandonment issues she had to deal with after her father abandoned her.

However, many decades later, amid the coronavirus pandemic, the father-daughter duo reunited again.

An open source to The mail about the recently reconciled relationship of veteran soap opera star John Aniston, 86, and his famous Hollywood daughter Jennifer, 51.

“Jen forgave her father for leaving a long time ago. But their relationship has had its ups and downs, ”revealed the vine.

Jennifer did not speak to him for years. But since the coronavirus crisis, she has been on the phone almost every day. And not just short conversations. It is as if he has realized that life is very short and he wants his relationship with John to be the best it can be. He is delighted that they have been reconciled, ”he revealed even more.

the friends Star has also had shaky ties to her mother Nancy, as they remained on non-speaking terms since the latter published a revealing book.

John had abandoned his 11-year-old wife, as well as 10-year-old Jennifer, in 1979.

Looking back on the period, Jennifer was quoted by the Daily mail, recalling the entire episode: “I went to a birthday party, and when I came back, my mother said, ‘Your father is not going to be here for a while.'”

“She didn’t say she was gone forever. I don’t know if I blocked it, but I just remember sitting there crying, not understanding that he was gone. I don’t know what I did later that night or the next day. I don’t remember anything other than being strange that my father was suddenly not there. And he was gone for a while, about a year, “he said.

Remembering how out of nowhere, he suddenly contacted her again, the Murder mystery The actor said, “He just called one day and said, ‘Let’s go see The Fantasticks.’ So we had dinner for a bit and watched the show. After that, I started watching it on the weekends, and this new way of life. it developed “.

He further explained that his father had not been the best to communicate, “but, to the best of his ability, he explained and apologized, and that is enough. We have made peace. There are still parts that are difficult for me, but I am an adult. I can’t blame my parents anymore. “

Jennifer’s relationship with her mother turned sour after she wrote a cash book after her daughter’s massive success in the classic 1990s comedy. friends.

The actor had cut ties with her for over 15 years and had even excluded her from her wedding ceremony with Brad Pitt in 2000.

However, by the time Nancy passed away in 2016, the mother-daughter duo had managed to let the past be past, giving their relationship another chance.

Reflecting on her mother, Jennifer had stated, “She was a model and it was all about presentation and what she was like and how I looked.”

“I did not do it [become] the model girl I expected. This girl just wanted to be loved by a mother who was too busy with things that didn’t matter. She was very critical of me, “he said.

The vine spilled further because Jen’s relationship with John had also been no less complex: “They have gone through long periods when Jen did not speak to him. John is a proud but not emotional man. He has never understood how volatile they have been. been Jen’s emotions. “

“But since the coronavirus crisis, she has been an incredible daughter. He says he calls constantly to see how he’s doing. Obviously they can’t see each other, but they have talked more in the past few weeks than ever, “the source added.

John, since 1985 has been the star of Days of our lives, which was also the soap opera incorporated into the plot of friends.
