Israel enters third national blockade


JERUSALEM – Israel was scheduled to begin its third coronavirus lockdown on Sunday, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed optimism that a “world record” vaccination campaign will restore normalcy in a few weeks.

After a sharp spike in detected infections, the Netanyahu government announced three days ago that it would re-enforce the strict measures that had previously helped limit transmission.

READ: Netanyahu receives coronavirus vaccine, beginning deployment in Israel

Starting at 5:00 pm on Sunday, most people will be forced to stay within 1,000 meters of their home.

There are a variety of exceptions, including seeking medical care, attending legal proceedings, or exercising.

A key difference in Israel’s third blockade compared to previous versions relates to schools, with more students able to attend classes.

Instead of near-total closures, Israel is keeping schools open for children under the age of six, as well as for grades one through four and teens who finish high school in grades 11 and 12.

Israel’s National Council for the Child criticized the decision to close grades 5 to 10.

“The decision to ignore this age group means the abandonment of hundreds of thousands of children, just because in theory they can stay home alone while (their parents) go to work,” said NCC director Vered Windman, quoted by the Ma ‘ariv newspaper.

“But this is precisely the age group that is most at risk of developing emotional difficulties, fears and isolation.”

– ‘World record’ –

Speaking on Saturday night after Shabbat, Netanyahu said Israel hoped to vaccinate a quarter of its population, or roughly 2.25 million people, against the coronavirus in a month.

He said he had spoken with the heads of the companies that make vaccines, who had expressed confidence that the necessary number of doses could be provided.

Israel’s vaccination targets are “of such magnitude (equate to) a world record rate,” the prime minister said.

Netanyahu was the first Israeli to be hit by COVID-19 on December 19, ahead of the launch last week of a nationwide vaccination program.

The prime minister has political incentives to push for an accelerated vaccination campaign.

The tense coalition government he formed in May with his former election rival and current Defense Minister Benny Gantz collapsed last week, prompting elections in March, Israel’s fourth vote in two years.

Netanyahu’s election campaign could be hampered by the start of a more intensified phase of his long-awaited corruption trial and the departure from the White House of his staunch ally, US President Donald Trump.

Political analysts have said Netanyahu hopes a quick vaccination campaign will put the pandemic-ravaged Israeli economy on the road to recovery before Election Day.
