‘I have nothing to hide about Edwin Sodi’s payments’: Thulas Nxesi


Nxesi said there were no personal relationships between him and the children for whom he had enlisted Sodi’s help.

However, the minister did not explain how he knew Sodi and why he had approached him for help.

Nor did he explain why he, who earned more than 1 million rand a year as a minister, had not contributed the 45,000 rand himself.

Sodi’s payments were made on March 4, 2017, when Nxesi was Minister of Public Works, just a little over three weeks before he was transferred to sports and recreation at the end of March of that year.

Nxesi promised to cooperate fully with the Zondo investigation and any law enforcement agency to get to the bottom of Sodi’s payments.

“I have tried to clarify this matter with the Zondo commission and assured them of my support for their work. I have also pledged my full support and any additional information you may require, ”he said.

“I would like to state categorically that I have nothing to hide, and I will assist the law enforcement agencies charged with investigating this matter.”

